Friday, February 24, 2012

Important Baseball Safety Principles

By Scott Kerns

Everbody knows we can't help but be intrigued about everything to do with sports. Although a different topic, this is a followup to our previous Sports Interaction review article.

While baseball is not usually considered as dangerous as contact sports such as football, many players of all ages do get injured while playing this game, so it's important to follow some sensible policies for safety. Being hit by a ball or a bat or even another person are among the many ways a player can be injured in a baseball game or practice. This article will look at some ways to stay safe and prevent injuries in baseball.

The pitcher is said to have to most difficult job with injuries being quite common. The dangers of this position are known at any age or skill level but they can be even more dangerous for those who are younger and less developed. This is why it's so important for the pitcher no matter what age, to be sure he's not overdoing it and stopping if he feels pain. Managers and coaches should be aware of the symptoms of pain or injury since the pitcher is not likely to tell anyone when he's sustained an injury in the middle of a good game. There are often guidelines for how many innings a pitcher should play and how many pitches they should throw and avoiding injury means following these guidelines.

The bases in this game are one danger we don't always consider dangerous but they are. Injuring a leg or even a foot is easy to do if a player slides hard into a stationary base. These bases can be especially dangerous for those sliding headfirst into them. Breakaway bases offer a solution to this danger because they offer the ability to "break" away when the player slides into them. These bases are stable during normal play. If they are not already on board with these breakaway bases you need to be suggesting that they board the train. Besides that, players need to practice proper sliding techniques and watch for dangerous bases.

The sun can be a very unsafe element when it comes to baseball. This is because it can make it very hot for the players and blind them when they are trying to run and catch the ball. Players should always wear sunscreen to get away from sunburn. Caps and visors are of the utmost importance. These can help players when dealing with the sunlight in their eyes. The sun is something players should always be aware of. It will not be in the same position for the game. When sun gets in their eyes, players should remember to be careful when running bases or trying to get the ball. This is one of the unplanned things that players have to be able to handle.

The baseball safety tips covered here are not hard to follow, but they can go a long way in preventing injuries and mishaps on the field. Ignoring safety is something that players may be able to do for a while, but sooner or later it catches up with you, so it's best to be sensible. That's why it's important that coaches and others supervising a game keep close watch on the field and players to make sure everyone is staying safe.

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