Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ulama - the Mesoamerican Ball Game

By Robert Nickel

Played for thousands of years, the Mesoamerican ballgame was first introduced by the pre-Columbian peoples of Mesoamerica and has been played since at least 1000 B.C. The sport had many reiterations over the ages and was played in many different regions. The modern version of the ballgame is called Ulama.

Ancient ball courts have been discovered across Mesoamerica and have a wide range of sizes and styles. These courts have been found from Nicaragua to Arizona. The one commonality that all the courts share is that they all have long narrow alleys with side-walls against which the balls could bounce.Large ball courts have been found at Copan, Uxmal, Xochicalco, Monte Alban, Toluquilla and at the Chichen Itza sites.

While the actual rules of the game are unknown, the basic premise was similar to some modern ball games. The object was to keep the ball in play, by bouncing the ball off various parts of the body. There was a later addition of stone rings that were placed high on the walls through which the ball could pass in order to score points.

Typically, players struck the ball with their hips, although some versions allowed the use of forearms, rackets, bats, or hand-stones. The ball was made of solid rubber and weighed up to 4 kg (9 lbs) or more. The size of the ball differed greatly over time or according to the different versions played.

It is believed that the ballgame had very strong ritualistic aspects, Popular belief is that competing teams from other cities or regions would engage in ceremonial matches. The captain or leader of the losing team could be decapitated and have their head placed on a spike as an offering to the gods. The game was also part of the everyday culture of Mesoamerica and was enjoyed by women and children.

The origins of the game come from the Popol Vuh ("Book of the People"). The Popol Vuh's prominent features are its creation myth, its diluvian suggestion, its genealogies and its epic tales of the Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque.

In one version, the Hero Twins find the ballgame equipment in their father's house and begin playing, but annoy the Lords of Xibalba. The twins are summoned to play the ballgame amidst trials and dangers. In a notable version, Hunahpu is decapitated by bats and his brother must use a squash as Hunahpu's substitute head until his real one, now used as a ball by the Lords, can be retrieved and placed back on Hunahpu's shoulders.

While some scholars debate the origins of the game or the significance it has played in the Mesoamerican cultures, all agree that it is the oldest recorded sporting event and that its influence can be seen in even today in all modern ball games.

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Advice for Choosing the Best Baseball Equipment

By Ryan Kolfax

Anyone playing baseball will be able to improve their game faster if they have the right equipment. Certain gear is fairly standard, while items such as gloves will differ depending on the position you play. Having top quality equipment that fits can give you the extra edge on the field that can make all the difference.

As with any sport, the equipment you use when playing baseball can make a real difference. Players won't be at their best if gear like their glove isn't perfectly suited for them.

No matter what position you play cleats are important to speed and agility as well as overall ability to play well. Your cleats need to offer you not only comfort but also a lot of traction. Baseball fields vary depending on weather and time of year so you need an all weather shoe that can handle these varying conditions. There are a number of different options in cleats from low to high tops and rubber to metal cleats so be sure you know what your league allows.

Because pitchers and fielders are more prone to injury when hitters use metal bats, quite a few leagues have banned their use. The idea is to find the kind of bat that is appropriate for you, and that gives your swing the most control and power.

While certain equipment is not a requirement, it can greatly reduce the chances that you'll suffer an injury. For example, you may not think you need wrist guards, but they can be very helpful. It's easy to get hit in the wrist by a pitch when you're at bat, or get an injury when sliding or diving to make a catch.

Not only do batting gloves help improve your grip but they also absorb the impact when you make contact with the ball when batting. Blisters and calluses can be quite painful over time but gloves can help protect your hands. Having a firm grip gives you a big advantage when swinging the bat. Make sure your batting gloves don't fit too tight when buying them. These are a type of baseball equipment that may not be considered essential, but they can make a big difference in your performance as a hitter.

Those who want to improve their hitting skills will want to consider purchasing a batting tee. This is an extremely effective tool for practicing your swing, and it's used by players of all ages and levels. You only get to bat so many times during a game, or even during team practice, which is why it's so important to get in additional batting practice in your spare time. It might seem like a tedious task to practice repetitively but this is one of the most essential skills of this sport and something you'll be happy you put the effort into. If you get a batting tee, make sure you set it up correctly, so that you're able to swing the same way you would in a real game.

If you play on a team, an gear bag is something you should get. An gear bag will help you efficiently carry all your equipment so you don't lose track of anything. And because it will help protect your gear, it all stay in the best possible condition. While your preference will determine the type of bag you get, in some cases there is a standard bag for members of a team. Some prefer baggage type bags with wheels, while others like backpacks or duffel bags. The important thing is that you get a bag that's large enough to carry all your equipment and that's well made and waterproof, so everything stays dry.

Baseball equipment, as we've seen in this article, comes in many forms, and it's important that you find gear that's right for you. You may have to experiment a bit to find the right style for you. Playing multiple positions will mean owning more than one type of equipment.

Depending on the position you play, you have to choose equipment such as your glove very carefully to make sure it's suitable. The kind of baseball equipment you prefer depends on many factors, and you should always pay attention to how well it performs so you can decide if perhaps changes are necessary.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get The Gear That Can Make Rather Than Break Your Baseball Game

By Erin Song

Baseball gear comes in many forms, and what is needed varies a lot from one player to the next. Before you run out and buy gear you need to consider the position you play as well as the particular rules for your league or team. There are however some generalizations you can make and we'll look at those here.

The whole game of baseball revolves around one object -the baseball itself. A typical baseball doesn't have a long lifespan in fact some games will use several dozen at least. It's always a good idea to have several extras on hand since they can be easily damaged by a hard swing or perhaps lost in a number of ways. Even though you won't need your own balls for games and official practices it's a good idea to have some on hand for unofficial practices on your own time. It's not necessary to have major league quality balls for practice but you will want good ones that are leather or high quality synthetic material.

The catcher is believed to have the most difficult job in baseball. If you are the catcher you spend a good amount of time crouching behind the plate and risking getting hit with the bat or catching fast balls headed your way at high speeds. Catchers also need shin guards, chest protection, and groin cups since you never know when a wayward ball or the end of a bat is going to land a hit in a sensitive area. You also want to make sure all your protective gear fits comfortably, as you'll be wearing it for hours on end.

For a pitcher, a pitching target is an essential piece of practice equipment. This is a simple device that will improve your aim and style when you don't have a practice partner to work with. Rawlings makes one called the Comeback which is helpful for fielding practices as well as pitching too. The angle can be adjusted to practice catching fly balls or grounders. This type of device is useful, then, for infielders, outfielders and pitchers alike. Steady practice is the best way to increase your baseball skills and having adequate equipment makes this goal even easier.

Baseball gear, as we've seen in this article, comes in many forms, and it's important that you find equipment that's right for you. It may take some time to get to know what is perfect for you as an individual. If you play more than one position, you may need a wider variety of gear, such as the right glove for each position. You should consider the above information as you seek out baseball gear.

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Suggestions For Playing Baseball Safely

By Richard Horowitz

While there's always the risk of injury when playing baseball, or any sport, by taking certain safety precautions, players can substantially reduce the risk of problems on the field By keeping in shape, wearing the right gear and focusing during games and practice the chance of getting injuries decreases Let's look at some of the main factors to keep in mind to stay safe when playing baseball

The player who should have the most safety gear is the catcher It's essential that this is worn at all times There is the probability that the catcher will hit by a pitch at any time This includes a helmet, face mask, chest protector and the right gloves The catcher's mask should have a throat protector attachment This is because a incoming pitch to throat can be very deadly While all players have to be alert when it comes to safety, the catcher has the most dangerous position and has to be especially careful Catcher have to be very careful because of all of the pitches that are tossed, but also because they stand so closed behind the batters More than any other player, the catcher has to be alert at all times

There has been a lot of talk about whether or not it is safe for metal bats to be in baseball Many hitters like them because they're more durable than wooden bats Also, they have a larger impact when the ball is hit Obviously, this is why they are so much more dangerous A few studies say that injuries can be decreased by utilizing wooden bats, especially when it comes to young players If the league you or your child is in still allows metal bats, this might be something worth researching Even if you have to keep buying new wooden bats, safety should be the first priority

The sun can be a very unsafe element when it comes to baseball This is because it can produce blistering heat, cause sunburns and blind players who risk running into each other Players should always wear sunscreen to avoid sunburn Hats and visors are extremely important These can help players cope with the sun in their eyes The sun is something players should always know about It will not be in the same spot during the entire game When the sun is in their eyes, all players should be very careful when running for the ball or running bases This is one of the unplanned things that players have to be able to handle

Baseball is a sport with timeless appeal By abiding by these safety guidelines in this article, players can participate in the game with less chance of injuries You cannot always tell when something will terribly go wrong If players are properly attired and following sensible precautions, the game can be made much safer

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Advanced Baseball Strategies Utilized by the Pros

By Jama Reichmann

Baseball is a sport that puts together physical skills with a lot of difficult strategies that are different from one played game to another. How the game is played will depend on a lot of things such as the score, who is on a base or up to bat and even whether the pitcher is left or right handed. No matter what position you play, you have to play plenty of detail when playing baseball. The following are some techniques that will get you or other players to reach their best performance.

The double play is generally fun to achieve and even though experienced players seem to do it with ease, it is very difficult for inexperienced players to accomplish. To prepare for the double play, which means a runner is on first, the first and third basemen remain where they normally are. The second baseman and shortstop should both get closer to the second base than they normally do. This way, if a ground ball is hit to either of them, the other can cover second base and then throw to first to complete the double play. This is a play that should be regularly practiced in drills.

One particular exercise that all players should know is tagging up. If there are players currently on the bases and there are no more than two outs, a runner can tag up or run to the next base when a fly ball is caught. It is a must that you understand that the player must not start running until the ball has been caught.

If you get behind in the scoring, your key focus is on hitting the ball and not getting struck out. If you are ahead in the scoring, you can pick your pitches and possibly try for pitches that will get a walk. The key item is that hitters always have to take the counts into consideration.

Communication between players can make a big difference during a game. This is really true when it comes to players in the outfield. This is where there can sometimes be uncertainty about which player is going to go after the ball. If players do not correspond with one another in the right way, there will be confusion or issues in the outfield. The center field player gets the most attention. So, the left and right fielders shouldn't intrude into his territory.

You have to know how to use the strengths of each player on the team and makeup for any problems. In addition to practice that builds upon skills, the players have to talk about the bad and good things of each game. These are just a few tips for improving a team or player. The information that you have about baseball, the more you will understand it and get more satisfaction from it.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baseball Safety Rules That Should be Followed

By Marcella Bairo

Baseball players should be familiar with safety rules to reduce the chances of injuries and accidents. While baseball is not a hazardous sport in general, people sometimes underestimate the possibilities for injuries. When players have the right gear and use common sense principles, it's not that hard to stay safe in baseball. To increase awareness of this issue, we will cover some important baseball safety points in this article.

First of all, coaches should be aware of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries players may have. In most cases, unhealed injuries should not allow a player to continue to play. Similarly you'll want to be sure that you don't wait to check on injuries sustained during game play. Because of the fact that your players don't want to be in the dugouts during a game they won't often tell you when they are hurt so you as a coach must make the call. In some cases, such as an ankle sprain or a pitcher with a shoulder injury, to continue playing can make the condition much worse.

It's important to follow the suggested guidelines for how many pitches or innings a pitcher should play to avoid injuring your star pitcher. Being injured by a fast moving ball can be dangerous so it's important that you wear a batting helmet. One thing that's true for both practices and games is the need for a helmet for the batter to avoid pitch hits. Faceguard helmets provide the best protection especially for kids. Your head is the most important part of your body to protect.

Your batters need special gear to protect themselves too in addition to helmets. A good batting glove can help lower the impact of the ball as it's hit. A good batting glove will help the batter maintain good grip on his bat and also protect the wrist and hand. Another good protection piece to have is wrist guards.

If a runner becomes careless and doesn't pay attention to his movements, this can easily lead to an injury when running or sliding. This is an area where good physical conditioning is important for staying healthy and avoiding injuries. If players are taught to run the bases properly in practice, they'll be safer and more effective at this during actual games.

The baseball safety tips covered here are not hard to follow, but they can go a long way in preventing injuries and mishaps on the field. Baseball is a little deceptive in some ways, as you may be able to get away with being careless for a while, but at some point a serious injury can occur if the right gear isn't worn or safety rules are ignored. The responsibility for players' safety is shared by the players themselves, managers and coaches, and younger players, naturally, need extra supervision.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Techniques For Choosing The Right Baseball Gear For You

By Jason Nieder

In order to play your best, it's important to have baseball gear that's right for you. When getting your equipment, consider factors like your position, size, and age. You should also consider you budget as well as how much you're willing to invest in your gear. The following are some helpful guidelines for choosing baseball equipment that's appropriate for you or the person you're shopping for.

The fundamental offensive weapon in baseball is the bat, and this can be found in several varieties. You also have to choose a bat that doesn't violate the regulations of your own team or league. Some players like old fashioned wooden bats, and you can at least be sure these are allowed no matter where you play. Aluminum bats, and those made with materials such as titanium and graphite are more powerful and also can last longer than wood.

You've probably heard that the catcher has the hardest job of all positions in baseball right? The catcher is the one most likely to get hit with a bat or a blisteringly fast ball as he crouches for hours behind home plate. The gear for this position often includes a full face mask, chest protection and a glove with extra padding among other things. Just in case a ball or a bat for that matter gets the better of you it's imperative that you be protected with shin guards, groin cups and chest protection. Because you'll find it necessary to wear this gear for long periods of time it's important that it be comfortable and fit properly.

The pitcher may want to invest in a pitching target to practice on in his spare time. These are simple devices that help you improve your aim and style, when there's no one around to catch the ball for you. Rawlings makes one called the Comeback which is helpful for fielding practices as well as pitching too. This device is perfect for infield, outfield and pitching positions since it's angle can be adjusted for fly balls and grounders too.

When it comes to skills, there's no substitute for steady practice, and having your own equipment can make this easier for you. You can bring out the best in your game if you have the right baseball gear. You want to concentrate on the game when playing and not your equipment, which is why it needs to fit properly and serve its purpose. This is why you need to do some research and find the gear that's most suitable for you and the position you play.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hit Harder in Baseball

By Jeff Wise

Many people think that in order to hit a baseball hard, you have to have large muscles. That is untrue. While working out and strength-training is important for players, it's not a guarantee for hitting harder. In fact, the guys who hit the hardest typically have average body types.

The best way to ensure that you'll hit the ball hard is to perfect the proper hitting mechanics. Mechanics will help you generate bat speed, which takes place during the weight transfer. The pitch is thrown and you have a trigger mechanism that transfers weight. The weight usually shifts from the front foot to the back and then all the weight is transferred to the front again during the swing.

The reason is because during this transfer the power in your body is shifting to the swing. The power then transfers to the ball, allowing it to soar farther. If there's no power in your swing, there's no power in the ball.

Another tip to hitting harder is to keep both hands on the bat until right after the ball is hit. Sometimes people let go too soon and the power is lost during contact. It is natural to release your top hand during the swing, just make sure it's done after the hit.

While it is possible to hit the baseball far into the opposite field, players typically do better hitting farther when they pull the ball. You can't do this with every hit, but it's good to know for practice and during games.

To be a hard hitter, remember that power starts from the bottom. The weight transfer is really crucial as it allows you to swing the bat with force. This doesn't take a lot of muscle strength, just a lot of practice.

Practice these tips as often as you can. The more comfortable you feel with these hitting mechanics, the better you'll do on the ball field. And now that you know what it takes to hit harder, you can accomplish your hitting goals.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Things That Make Your Baseball Batting Better

By Dusty Mattingly, Batting Coach

There are a lot of different aspects to being an athlete. Baseball players in particular need not just the physical ability, but a lot of will and determination. Vision is also important, and will affect your baseball batting. If you can't see the ball, you can't hit it! You also need the drive it takes to follow through. It's a very big commitment and will take a lot of time and work.

To improve your skills as a batter, you need to start at with the basics, and that is choosing a bat. Don't worry about how it looks or which is the most expensive. It's more important to select one that is appropriate for your size. Be sure to choose a bat that you can comfortably swing. If it is too heavy or too light, you will compromise your ability to maximize your power into the ball.

Now that you have your bat, it's time to figure out what the strike zone is. It's a 3-D dimensional prism over home plate. As a good reference, the highest point of the strike zone is just under the letters of your jersey. The lowest part is the hollow of your bent knee. The width corresponds with the right and left sides of home plate. By only swinging at pitches that are in the strike zone you greatly increase your chances of getting a hit.

Second, you need to have a good baseball batting stance. The stance starts by having your feet wider than shoulder width apart. You should have a slight bend in your knees and you should come slightly off your heels. Your arms should be in the shape of an upside down V with your elbows pointing downward and the knob of the bat should be pointing in the opposing batters box creating a good bat angle. Last but not least, both eyes should be square on the pitcher.

When the pitcher releases the ball, you want to be done with your load. The load involves bringing your hands back 2-4 inches and your front foot out 4-6 inches. Make sure your weight is on your backside, but do not overload backside. No more than 60% of your weight should be back.

When a good pitch enters the strike zone try to hit the ball. Dive the baseball strike zone into three parts, L for left, C for center, and R for Right. When the pitch enters one of those zones, turn you backside, drive your hands to proper field, and finish high. This will help maximize you power to each field.

Now that you know the fundamental steps, you must work every day to improve your baseball batting. Don't let a few bad days bring you down. Persistence is the key to being a great ball player!

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Softball Uniforms - Can They Make You Play Better?

By Matt Wiggins

Yeah, I know - the concept sounds a little strange, huh? Could softball uniforms actually make you play better? I mean, is there really such a thing as a certain jersey, pants/shorts, or even socks that would increase your batting average, let you hit with more power, or give you a better shot at turning a double play? And just say for a minute that a softball uniform *could* do this...*how* could it do this?

But let me describe myself a little first, and why I know what I'm talking about. Currently, I'm a strength coach who has been studying training, athletic conditioning, and fitness in general for almost 20 years. Growing up, like any other strength coach, I played a number of team sports - football, baseball, soccer, and then later on, dabbled in some martial arts. It's literally my job to make somebody throw further, hit better, and run more quickly. If my athletes don't improve on the field, court, diamond, mat, ring, or wherever they compete, then I'm failing them as a coach.

And I do my job pretty darn well.

But, let's get back on track - softball uniforms, and if they can really improve how you play.

If you're doing any kind of physical work, the clothing you don should allow you to do that actual activity with proficiency. Let's take exercise for a moment. Do you have any idea how technologically advanced fitness apparel is today? How much money has been spent researching training equipment and accessories? How about that light, "moisture-wicking" shirt you wear during the summer to keep you cool and dry, but still allows you to totally move freely? Or how about shirt that allows you to move just as freely, and is still almost as light, but keeps you totally warm during the winter months? Needless to say, the days of regular cotton athletic t-shirts aren't coming back. And how about shoes? Who knew they'd ever get so advanced!

Given all that, it's not really all that different in softball. Your uniforms can't just be a fashion statement - they have to let you play, be fast, move as you need to, spring into action...all while not breaking down after just a few times worn. However, just because something was designed for maximum performance, doesn't mean it'll let you play better softball. "Jordans" are awesome basketball shoes, no doubt - but I don't think replacing your spikes with them is a good idea. Just like you wouldn't wear hockey gloves in left field. The rest of your uniform is no different - you have to not only look the part, but able to be and play the part.

Then there's the whole psychological factor of simply looking good. Now, I know that I just said that looking good isn't as important as the ability to perform - and that's true. However, when you can hit the field, with the rest of your squad, and look good not only yourself, but as a team - well, it's raises morale as a whole. And this is something you simply just can't discount.

Jay Schroeder is a sports-performance coach based in Arizona. Known for creating highly advanced and scientific workouts, Jay is experienced as a coach, and everything he has an athlete do has just one game plan - to make them better performers on the field. However, even though Jay is totally concentrated on making his athletes better athletes, he still has them doing what he terms "vanity work". This isn't there to make them faster or stronger - but instead to just help them look better.

Wait - Schroeder concerns himself with how his athletes look? Why? That has nothing to do with performance, right? Jay determined years ago that it did. See, when his trainees had better physiques, they felt better about themselves. When they felt better about themselves, they were more confident. When they were more confident, that confidence transitioned over into the field of play, and they played more confident (and therefore, better).

Don't you think this same psychological element would work with your softball uniforms? You bet it would. Take two teams that are otherwise equal, and the team that looks polished and professional will have the advantage. Not only will they feel better about themselves and have higher morale, but their competition will respect (and possibly even fear) them more, as well.

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How Baseball Started

By Joe Harden

Do not believe it when you hear everybody say that Abner Doubleday came up with the popular sport of baseball as much as it is what most people think.

First and foremost, after all this time of people saying that Doubleday is the one, there really is no solid proof that can put it up without a doubt. In fact, so many people have argued the topic that naturally a bunch had to go and research as to where baseball really hails from.

In the end most of the people who researched the matter came to the conclusion that the credit should go to Alexander Joy Cartwright.

The biggest noticable piece to the puzzle comes from the fact that at the time when the sport came about, the most commonly spread games in those years were those brought by boat by the pioneers and pilgrims. These were accounted to be cricket and rounders.

Alexander Cartwright who lived in that period observed that he did not like rounders as it was because it was not exactly a sport he could call formal. As a result he therefore decided to give its rules a few tweaks and then called it baseball. He took a lot of the rules that were in baseball but he added a lot of his own rules as well. As the years flew by and the game became more and more popular other rules popped up from here and there to polish it up into what it is today.

Since it is almost a rule that wherever there is baseball there should be hotdogs, the next interesting topic would be so how did the hotdogs come about .

At the top of this list of course has to be the world famous hotdogs. It never seems normal to be at the ball park without this snack in your hand but where did it all begin?

If you try to trace it all the way back to its beginning you will find that it was a culinary delight made by one of Caesar's emperial cooks. We also cannot end this without giving a round applause to peanuts and cracker jacks.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Techniques for Getting Baseball Gear That Meets YOUR needs

By Golda Clasen

Baseball, like any sport, has certain gear that is required and you have to make sure it fits you well. You want to be sure that all of your equipment is just right for you personally, and also for your position in the field. Having top quality gear that fits can give you the extra edge on the field that can make all the difference. In order to help you find the right baseball gear, we'll go over some important considerations to remember when choosing it.

No matter what position you play cleats are important to speed and agility as well as overall ability to play well. Cleats need to offer you the ultimate in comfort and traction. A cleat that can handle any type of field condition is important given that baseball field conditions can vary depending on a variety of circumstances. Cleats can be high top or low top and rubber or metal, but not all leagues permit metal cleats, so make sure you know the rules of your league.

Many high schools, little leagues and other leagues have banned aluminum and other metal bats, as many people consider them unsafe. You should look for a bat that is exactly right for you, so that you can swing freely and comfortably.

When not using your glove, store it in a cool and dry place. Exposure to heat isn't good for leather and you also want to avoid dampness. You need to inspect the laces on your glove to make sure they're not broken or brittle a they will need to be replaced occasionally.

For a pitcher, a pitching target is an essential piece of practice equipment. If you have a lack of partners to practice with this can be a helpful tool for improving your aim and technique. One such device is made by Rawlings and is called the Comeback which is perfect for pitching as well as fielding practice. The angle can be adjusted to practice catching fly balls or grounders. This type of device is useful, then, for infielders, outfielders and pitchers alike. Steady practice is the best way to increase your baseball skills and having adequate equipment makes this goal even easier.

When it comes to choosing baseball gear, you have to consider your own comfort and needs, as well as what's required by your league. Getting gear that's suited for your position is essential, especially when it comes to gloves. Baseball gear can come down to very personal choices, and you may find that as you gain more experience your needs and preferences will change.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Getting Baseball Gear That's Right For You

By Jack Dawsoner

In any sport, the gear you choose can make a real difference, and this is certainly true for baseball. Players won't be at their best if equipment like their glove isn't perfectly suited for them. You will also need a bat that is the right size and weight for your swing and your build. There are a variety of factors to think about when getting your baseball gear, and in this article we'll be looking at some of the most crucial ones.

Baseball shoes or cleats are an important part of your gear, as these will have a large impact on your speed, agility and ability to play your position effectively. You'll want cleats that are not only comfortable but also offer maximum traction. There are a lot of circumstances that may require a good shoe that can handle any condition that you may encounter on a baseball field no matter what time of year. Cleats can be high top or low top and rubber or metal, but not all leagues permit metal cleats, so make sure you know the rules of your league.

Some people believe there's a greater chance of injuries with metal bats, which has caused many leagues to ban them. The idea is to find the kind of bat that is appropriate for you, and that gives your swing the most control and power. The catcher is believed to have the most difficult job in baseball. The catcher is the one most likely to get hit with a bat or a blisteringly fast ball as he crouches for hours behind home plate. It's for this reason the you'll need special face gear, gloves with extra padding and breast protection gear. Catchers also need shin guards, chest protection, and groin cups since you never know when a wayward ball or the end of a bat is going to land a hit in a sensitive area. Because you'll find it necessary to wear this gear for long periods of time it's important that it be comfortable and fit properly.

If you're serious about improving your hitting skills, a batting tee is something you may want to have. This piece of equipment is great for any age player wanting to improve swing and hit skills. You really only get so many bat shots during practice and play which is why off field practice is so important to your performance. While it may seem tedious to practice your swing over and over, this is one of the most essential skills in baseball, so it's something worth putting some effort into. Be sure you are setting your tee up correctly so that it mimics the swing you'd have during regular play.

In conclusion, the kind of gear you use can make a real difference in how you play the game. In order for you to play your best you need to be as comfortable as you can with gear that fits well and is suited to the position you play. For example, if your glove doesn't fit properly, it can cause you to make errors in the field. We have only touched on a couple of the most essential pieces of equipment you will need, there may be others that will keep you playing at your full potential.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baseball - Hit Farther and Harder

By Jeff Wise

Now that you know the basic fundamentals of hitting, you're ready to improve on your skills. You're tired of hitting pop-ups and dribblers and dream of sailing balls into the outfield. There are a few steps you can take to start hitting the ball harder and farther.

Learning how to hit the ball harder and farther is a common desire of serious baseball players. Home runs are always nice, and those who have never hit one dream of the day they will. With consistent hard work, home runs are sure to come in time. Hitting a home run shouldn't be the only goal. Since home runs are rare, there are more important reasons to want to hit farther.

Instead, focus on hitting the ball as far away from the fielders as possible. Hitting into the gaps will get you a base hit and possibly bring home another player. These are the hits that more often win games and motivate your team. This should be your goal for hitting the baseball farther.

To start hitting the ball farther, you first keep working hard on the fundamentals. Practice them as often as you can so you get more comfortable in the batter's box. You have to remain confident, trust that you'll hit well and know your mission for each at-bat. Most importantly, strive to make solid contact with the ball. This will help your ball sail farther.

Believe it or not, your work off the field will also help you to hit farther. Participate in a conditioning program in the off season and a lighter version during the season. You don't have to do a difficult workout, but some light weight lifting, running and calisthenics will help a lot. Those with better endurance and strength are better able to hit the ball harder during the entire season.

These actions will not guarantee that you'll hit the ball harder and farther, but they will definitely help. If that is your goal, then you must do the work necessary to accomplish it.

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Baseball Trophies Trivia

By Brad Mallen

Welcome to all you baseball and sports fans. Well the season and the series is over and at the start of the season who other than die hard San Fran fans would of thought they would be walking away with the World Series Trophy. So until spring training of 2011 we are just going to have to sit tight until we get to see more action. In the meantime here is some baseball trophy trivia to keep you on your toes.

Which is the only baseball trophy that is passed down each year rather than rather than a new trophy being created each season?

A. Commissioner's Trophy

B. Warren C. Giles Trophy

C. Cy Young Award

D. Baseball's Gold Glove

E. All of the Above

Which is the only baseball trophy that is passed down each year rather than rather than a Out of the four major sports in the US which is the only sport that the championship trophy that is not named after a particular person?





Who won the 2000 AL Cy Young Award?

A. johan Santana

B. Roger Clemens

C. Pedro Martinez

D. Randy Johnson

Baseball trophies sports trivia answers...

First Question.... Which is the only baseball trophy that is passed down each year rather than rather than a new trophy being created each season? The Answer is B. The Warren C. Giles Trophy is the one trophy our of all the baseball trophies that is passes down year after year making it something to be desired. Every team wants this classic trophy on their shelf for a year that is for sure!

Second Question.... Which is the only baseball trophy that is passed down each year rather than rather than a Out of the four major sports in the US which is the only sport that the championship trophy that is not named after a particular person? Answer A. Baseball it is baseball trivia after all.

Third Question... Who won the 2000 AL Cy Young Award? C. Pedro Martinez. Pedro finished the 2000 MLB season with an 18-6 record and an ERA of 1.74. Also, the NL Cy Young winner was Randy Johnson, who had a 19-7 record and a 2.64 ERA.

Baseball's Trophy the Commissioners Trophy is not named after any particular individual. Where as Hockey has the Stanley Cup, Football the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Basketball has the Larry O'Brien Trophy all named after someone.

Test your friends and family members and stay tuned for more!

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Every Thing You Should Learn About Baseball Catchers Equipment

By Annie Estrada

Baseball catchers gear is produced to offer the catcher generous safety. In addition, it ought to also permit the catcher the possibility for optimal efficiency. When it fits appropriately the player has the most beneficial chance for basic safety and also activity. You will find a few factors to check for while purchasing catcher's items:

- Be positive the chest protector provides the correct shock absorption as you'll find numerous kinds offered. Memory foam protector would be the most effective option.

- Performance will also be enhanced if a light-weight protector for the chest is used which frequently releases heat.

- Some sort of catcher's mask with satisfactory inside padding is very important. The more expensive face masks possess a leather shell, whilst less expensive types have a material covering. The leather covering is the superior pick as it can be wiped clean considerably easier.

You'll find quite a few catcher's mitts offered. In front of everybody else is the offerings of Easton catchers gear. By remaining ahead of the competition Easton provides the most recent and very best variety of catcher's equipment in the baseball industry. In 2011 the Stealth Speed was launched. An anatomically proper engineered design formulated by generic technologies, provides players with definitive safety, movement as well as comfort. A item based on quality and efficiency Easton is the leader with regard to youth players and adults.

Catcher's hand protection are also obtainable in a number of ranges. It is best to purchase one of the superior brands as they'll last longer and supply significant protection. Of course the better options are the far more expensive kinds. But should you plan on a long-term baseball career then the more expensive selection is the strategy to use. The outlay makes it worth while since they last longer and wear well.

Shin guards must cover the knees and also toes whilst kneeling. Guards will have changing degrees of cushioning. The price will probably be determined on how nicely the cushioning is used on the protectors. It goes with out saying that the far more cushioning the more comfy for the knees. Shin guards outer shells are the very same for higher and lower end makes.

Guarding the male genital region among players is an crucial part of protective baseball equipment. Whenever a person is out on the field there's the possibility of injury. Regardless of which area of the field the player is designated, baseball gear need to be talked about with youths and adult athletes alike. An athletic cup supporter should be so comfortable the player isn't conscious that he's in possession of it. It would seem that young men might be quickly sold on the concept of wearing a cup, but sadly quite a few rebel at the idea. Lately we have seen massive improvements of the style of baseball cups, so they're much more comfy than previous models. Wearing the appropriate size is exceedingly critical. For much more reasons than one can fathom, if the cup piece is too small or too big it can cause some bitter issues in that location.

The athlete is like a gladiator. They should protect themselves properly from all probability of injury. Under Armour catchers equipment is a baseball's player friend on the field. Their saying is "we make you quicker, stronger, lighter and greater." Under Armour was founded in the late nineties with the humble aim of creating a better quality t-shirt. Presently, Under Armour is actually a top leader in sports wear such as, shirts, head gear, shoes, cold wear, cleats, pants, jackets, socks, hoodies and a lot more. There is a big selection of mens, girls as well as youngsters gear that can be discovered on-line. The technologies behind the Under Armour's models are multifaceted. Emphasis is based on the need to be appropriate in all forms of organization with this business. From retailers who carry Under Armour in their stores to those that manufacture their goods ethical standards are not compromised. They express that "their mission is to supply the globe with technically advanced merchandise, developed with advanced fabric composition, elite moisture administration and demonstrated innovation." If anything they convince you that their item is actually benefiting you; it is developing a far better you.

A baseball players life is one of excitement, triumphs and defeats, standing crowds and lonely journeys. There's often the need for the player to feel protected, cherished and needed not just by the essence of his individual but additionally through the sport he plays.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baseball Scouting

By David Jackson

Baseball Scouts are trained talent evaluators which are consistently on the road evaluating upcoming baseball prospects. They're attempting to discover the elite group of players that every and each key league club will contemplate drafting. This may possibly require traveling across the nation to have the ability to analyze and draft prospective players. They're ordinarily geared with laptops, note cards, stopwatches, and radar guns. These are the typical tools of baseball scouting. This permits scouts to record right details and facts and document every thing they see within the course of their time evaluating a young baseball prospect. Each and every Substantial League Baseball team is utilizing computers to collect and organize information. This permits them to share it with other scouts inside the organization and preserve additional in-depth baseball scouting reports.

Numerous scouts are former players, coaches, or knowledgeable baseball enthusiast that have years of encounter following the baseball organization. An individual need to have data of the five tools of baseball as a way to turn out to be a baseball scout. These tools incorporate; arm strength, running speed, fielding capacity, hitting capacity, and hitting for power. Out of all of the players inside Considerable League Baseball, you can find only a handful of players could possibly be thought to be to be a five tool player. That is why there's a premium for versatile players that possess all of these tools. To location it into perspective, that suggests that an individual player can beat you in five various techniques.

A scout will require to do extensive study on a baseball prospect just just before recommending him to their team. This typically entails interviewing coaches, strength & conditioning trainers, family or anyone else affiliated with the prospect so as to verify what type of work ethic they have, if they know of any reoccurring injuries the player may have, and if the player has been in any kind of trouble just before. This fact finding process can be extremely time consuming, but it's vital to do so as to minimize risks down the road. Overtime talent evaluators will develop relationships with numerous baseball coaches and this will help them get a whole lot of leads on upcoming prospects. A professional sports organization can never gather too much info and facts.

Skilled baseball scouts will help determine which players could possibly be the best fit for their organization and which players are drafted. The Main League Baseball Draft can be the difference between a team experiencing success or failure. With hundreds of millions of dollars on the line baseball scouting is an important factor of a team being a profitable sports organization.

You'll find also professional baseball scouts, which focus on scouting opposing minor league baseball players. They're looking for prospects that may fill a void in their lineup or that may well be upcoming free agents that they feel will one day develop into a legitimate Main League Baseball player. As you may see you'll find a great deal of factors involved inside the baseball scouting industry. If you are passionate about sports baseball scouting is something you could possibly want to think about getting into.

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Is the Candy Bar Baby Ruth is Named for Babe Ruth? You Decide

By James London Devasher

The candy bar that would become Baby Ruth got it's start in 1916 when Otto Y. Schnering founded a bakery in Chicago. Inside the bakery he set aside a small area for a candy department. His candy proved so popular that in no time the bakery was discontinued.

Schnering changed the name of the company to the Curtiss Candy Company.

Early Success

One of Curtiss' early successes was a product called the Kandy Kate. It was a candy bar with a pastry center topped with nuts and coated with chocolate. Sound familiar?

In 1920, Curtiss fiddled with the formula -- the mixed nuts became peanuts, the pasty became nougat and chocolate...well, it stayed chocolate. He then changed the name to Baby Ruth.

Within just two years of its creation, the Baby Ruth was sold nationwide -- a remarkable feat for the day.

Was It Named For Babe Ruth? According to Schnering.

Lawyers for Curtiss maintained, in a lawsuit with Babe Ruth, that the Baby Ruth candy bar was named after President Grover Cleveland's daughter, Ruth. This seems unlikely since Ruth Cleveland was born on October 3, 1891 and died of diphtheria 13 years later. Cleveland himself died in 1908. When the Baby Ruth bar was introduced 16 years after Ruth Cleveland's death, few people would have even remembered her -- especially kids.

But everyone knew Babe Ruth. He was the most popular sports figure of the day. A towering god of a man known, loved and admired worldwide.

You decide.

Very Popular -- By Any Name

Baby Ruth was extremely successful, due to or in spite of the name. This was mainly due to Schnering's uncanny promotional abilities.

One time he chartered an airplane and dropped the bars by with miniature parachutes over the city of Pittsburgh. This boosted sales so much he did drops in cities in more than 40 states.

The company also began to promote with four-color advertisements in national magazines (one of the first candies to do so.)

Together these promotions were so successful Schnering had to build another factory, then another, to keep up with demand. By 1927, the Curtiss facilities were the largest candy factories in the world.

The Curtiss Candy Company sold out to Standard Brands in 1930, which promptly decreased advertising. The same year Mars, Inc., began manufacturing Snickers and sales of Baby Ruths fell and never recovered to their high mark even though it remains among America's most consumed and favorite candies.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baseball Drills All Youth Should Know

By Jeff Wise

For young baseball players to develop the hitting skills they need to be successful, they must practice, practice and practice some more. The best way to practice is to do some hitting drills frequently. In addition to helping with hitting, drills will help players get more comfortable with the basic fundamentals, like keeping their eyes on the ball and the proper stance in the batter's box.

There are several great drills that will work for almost any age group. One is simply hitting off of a tee. It is a basic hitting drill used by players of all ages. Along with a tee and a ball, you will need protective netting of some sort to hit the ball into.

Each time you do this drill, you should strive to hit at least 25 balls off the tee. More advanced players could make it more challenging by moving the tee around to mimic different locations of pitches. This drill will help you learn how to hit to certain parts of the field.

Known as the soft toss, this drill requires two people. A pitcher should kneel on the ground and underhand toss the ball to the hitter. This is helpful because the pitcher can toss from different locations to make the hitter adjust, wait for the ball and hit to the appropriate areas. This drill is safe as long as the pitcher wears a batting helmet. Protective netting is also recommended.

For those who remember drilling wiffle balls in the backyard as a child, the modified broomstick hitting drill will be fun. With this drill, you need a wooden broomstick that has been sawed to match the length of the bat. Taping the handle will help with grip. Then have someone pitch plastic golf balls to you while you try to hit them with the broomstick. This awesome hand-eye coordination drill will improve your hitting.

Live batting practice is a great drill to finish on. This is the best drill to prepare players for game day. At each practice, players should get at least 25 live pitches, and 50 if time allows. Hitters should try to hit the balls to different parts of the field. Also, be sure to practice bunts during each live batting practice.

For a young baseball player to improve, hitting drills like these are essential. During practice, coaches can separate players and have them rotate different drills to save time. With the help of these drills, your team will more likely be great.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Los Angeles Pro Sports - Part 2

By Robert Nickel

If baseball isn't your preferred sport and you gravitate towards something a bit more fast paced, Los Angeles has two exciting professional National Basketball Association teams for your entertainment. Both the Clippers and the ever popular L.A. Lakers will feed your love of fast breaks and three point fade away jumpers.

The Clippers are a part of the NBA's Western Conference Pacific Division and their home base is the Staples Center. The Clippers were originally the Buffalo Braves (1970-1978) before moving to California in 1978 when they became the San Diego Clippers (1978-1984). This location was short lived though, as only six seasons later they moved to Los Angeles where they have remained since.

The Lakers are one of the most recognized and favorite teams in not only the NBA but in sports period. They also play at the Staples Center, sharing the facility with the Clippers and the Los Angles Kings hockey club (more below). The franchise came to be in 1947 as the Detroit Gems, who were moved to Minnesota where the name "Lakers" was adopted. After struggling financially, they relocated to Los Angeles in 1960. Since that time, the team has won the NBA Championship 17 times, attained the Conference Title 32 times and racked up 21 Divisional Titles. They also hold the NBA record for longest winning streak at 33 consecutive games. With a historical roster that has included players like Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson, and Kobe Bryant, the Los Angeles Lakers are a continual top attendance draw for basketball diehards in southern California.

For the fastest sports action in town there is NHL hockey, with two of the leagues most dynamic teams on display; the Los Angeles Kings and the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim. The Kings are members of the Western Conference Pacific Division and have been in action since 1966 when they were brought into the NHL as an expansion team. The Great Western Forum was their home for thirty two seasons until the beginning of the 1999-2000 season when they moved to the new Staples Center. They have won the Division and Conference championships once each and were denied a Stanley Cup after being defeated in 1993 by the Montreal Canadians, despite having a veritable all-star team led by Wayne Gretzky. The team is currently experiencing an upswing in popularity as they have once again become a western conference powerhouse.

The Mighty Ducks have a much shorter history than the Kings but are equally as popular. The team came to the league with the expansion of 1993 and were originally named the Mighty Ducks after the fictional team in the Disney movie of the same name. Despite not being taken perhaps as seriously as some of their league counterparts (largely due to the team's name and logo at the time) the Mighty Ducks made their first appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals in 2003. They eliminated the heavily favored Detroit Red wings to advance but ultimately lost to the New Jersey Devils. They would return to the final for another chance at glory round four years later.

The Might Ducks were renamed in 2006 and became the Anaheim Ducks. They lost the "mighty", switched the team colors and redesigned their jersey. In their short 17 year history, the Ducks have qualified for the playoffs seven times. They went as far as the Cup finals twice, won the Pacific Division title once, the Western Conference title twice and the Stanley Cup in 2007. The cup win cemented their legitimacy and expanded their fan base considerably.

Whether you favor basketball, hockey or baseball there is always something to cheer about in southern California.

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Miami - Sports Fan's Paradise

By Robert Nickel

The Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat, Florida Marlins and the Florida Panthers - if sports teams in the "big four" leagues (National Football League, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball and National Hockey League) are your passion, Miami is one of the greatest locations in the country. In addition to the sun, sand, beauty and relaxation that are a part of the Miami lifestyle, sporting events are a very prominent part of the scene. They draw worldwide media attention and tourists from around the country to the Miami area. Let's take a quicklook at the four major sports teams located in Miami.

Basketball - Miami HEAT

The Miami Heat have been part of the NBA since their inception in 1988 and play within the Southeast Division in the Eastern Conference. Having made the playoffs 13 times in the past 21 years has afforded the team a cache of respectability that was augmented by their 2006 NBA Finals victory over the Dallas Mavericks, taking the series by a score of 4 games to 6. The team did suffer through some difficult transitional periods, none more so than after their championship year in 2006. In 2008 the Miami Heat had the worst record in the entire NBA, but they did rebound out of the basement the following year. The summer of 2010 saw a major boost for the team with the triple signing of LeBron James, Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade, three star players who had previously played together on the gold medal winning US mens basketball team at the Beijing Olympics. Dubbed "the three kings" by Heat play-by-play man Eric Reid, the three players are expected to help shepherd the Miami Heat to dominance once again.

Football - Miami Dolphins

The Dolphins came into the National Football League as an expansion team in 1965 and were actually the second professional sports franchise in Florida. The first was the ill-fated Miami Seahawks who only lasted one season before becoming defunct due to poor ticket sales and a difficult schedule. The name "Dolphins" was bestowed upon the team after 622 entries in a contest set-up to choose a name for the new team. After just 7 seasons in the NFL, the Dolphins won the Super Bowl in 1972 (*Super Bowl VII). They won it again the following year in 1973 (*Super Bowl VIII) as well. In addition to their two Super Bowl championships, they have also attained 5 conference championships,13 divisional championships and a total of 22 playoff appearances since 1970. In August 2010, the team launched its own regional TV network. The Dolphins Television Network comprises 10 South Florida TV stations that agreed to carry the team-produced coverage. Games are broadcast on the radio by the Miami Dolphins Radio Network of affiliated stations across Florida.

Baseball - Florida Marlins

Established during the expansion of major league baseball in 1993, the Florida Marlins are a member of the Eastern Division in the National League. Despite their relatively short time as a professional baseball club, the Marlins have already won the World Series twice. The first time was in 1997 and more recently they captured the championship again in 2003. One distinction regarding their championship victories is that both times they won were also the only times they qualified for post season play. Another fact worth noting is that both times they qualified for the playoffs they did so as the National League wild card winner, they did not win first place in their division on either occasion. Home games are currently played at SunLife Stadium, which is also home to the Miami Dolphins and the University of Miami Football Team. In 2010 construction began on a new ballpark for the Florida Marlins within the city limits of Miami, on the site of the old Orange Bowl stadium. The ballpark is expected to open in 2012 and the team's name is expected to be changed to the Miami Marlins.

Ice Hockey - Florida Panthers

The Panthers came to be when the NHL expanded in 1993 to include the southern states of America (although the expansion was not exclusive to the southern states). H. Wayne Huizenga, then owner of the Blockbuster Video chain, was awarded an expansion franchise by the national hockey league and the team filled out their roster during the expansion draft in Quebec City. They reside in the South East Division of the Eastern Conference and play their home games at the Bank Atlantic Center. The Panthers had only been part of the NHL for a mere three seasons when they qualified for the playoffs with a record including 41 wins. The team went on to advance to each round defeating all their opponents on the way to their first and only, Stanley Cup Final. Despite defeating heavily favored opposition including the Boston Bruins, Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Penguins, they were unable to defeat the Colorado Avalanche, losing the series in four games.

Miami is also the home of many college sports teams. The two largest are the University of Miami Hurricanes and the Florida International University Golden Panthers. The Hurricanes football team formerly played at the Miami Orange Bowl from 1937 until 2008 when they mov to Sun Life Stadium. The Panthers football team play at FIU Stadium. There is also professional tennis, Jai Alai, and NASCAR to choose from in addition to the "big four" sports and college sports. Sports fans have a plethora of possibilities all year round in Miami, whatever your interest, there is a sports team for you!

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Los Angeles Pro Sports - Part 1

By Robert Nickel

Southern California is notorious for its picturesque sunsets and sweeping ocean view landscapes. It is the place where the Pacific Ocean meets pristine coastlines, sandy beaches and lightly swaying palm trees. No trip to Southern California would be complete without a visit to one of the many exquisite beaches, which have attracted thousands of surfers, nature lovers and leisurely beach-goers to its warm waters throughout the years. Indeed, there is an endless array of activities you can participate in outdoors when the weather is sunny all year round. When the sun sets, the excitement and the action don't stop as Southern California has numerous professional sports franchises to entertain sports fans of many different persuasions.

If you're visiting between spring and fall and you're a baseball fan, all your bases are covered in Southern California. Major League Baseball is represented twice in the region, by both the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles Angels. The L.A. Dodgers are part of Major League Baseball's National League West Division and were originally established in Brooklyn, New York in 1883. They relocated to Los Angeles in 1958. The team currently resides at Dodger Stadium, which is the third oldest ballpark in the entire league. The Dodgers have won the World Series a total of six times, the first one being in 1955, the last one in 1988, and have won the National League Pennant twenty one times between 1890 and 1988. Over the years they have developed some intense rivalries with their fellow Californians the Los Angeles Angels. As well as the San Franciso Giants, New York Yankees and San Diego Padres. Most of these rivalries are provincial in origin with the exception of the Yankess, whom the Dodgers have faced eleven times in the World Series.

The Los Angeles Angels are located in Anaheim and a member of the Western Division of Major League Baseball's American League. They came to the league as an expansion franchise in 1961 and for their first 36 years were owned by the famous entertainer Gene Autry. When the Walt Disney Corporation took control of the team in 1997, the team was renamed the Anaheim Angels and became a subsidiary of Disney Sports Inc. Shortly after, in 2002, they won their first National League Pennant and subsequent World Series Championship.

In 2005 new owner Arte Moreno added "Los Angeles" to the teams name in an effort to tap into the Los Angeles media market, the second largest in the country. This intended name change was hotly contested with the eventual outcome of the dispute resulting in the change being upheld in court and the city finally dropping its four-year legal battle in 2009. The team generally refers to itself as the Angels or Angels Baseball in its home media market, and the words "Los Angeles" and "LAA" do not appear in the stadium, on the Angels' uniforms, or on official team merchandise. Local media in Southern California tend to omit a geographic identifier and refer to the team as the Angels or as the Halos. To date the team has changed its logo on ten separate occasions.

The next article in this series will be about the NHL and NBA teams in the Southern California hockey teams situated in the Los Angeles area: The National Hockey League's Anaheim Mighty Ducks, the Los Angeles Kings. Also the National Basketball Association's Los Angeles Clippers and the Los Angeles Lakers will be covered.

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