Friday, March 25, 2011

Things That Make Your Baseball Batting Better

By Dusty Mattingly, Batting Coach

There are a lot of different aspects to being an athlete. Baseball players in particular need not just the physical ability, but a lot of will and determination. Vision is also important, and will affect your baseball batting. If you can't see the ball, you can't hit it! You also need the drive it takes to follow through. It's a very big commitment and will take a lot of time and work.

To improve your skills as a batter, you need to start at with the basics, and that is choosing a bat. Don't worry about how it looks or which is the most expensive. It's more important to select one that is appropriate for your size. Be sure to choose a bat that you can comfortably swing. If it is too heavy or too light, you will compromise your ability to maximize your power into the ball.

Now that you have your bat, it's time to figure out what the strike zone is. It's a 3-D dimensional prism over home plate. As a good reference, the highest point of the strike zone is just under the letters of your jersey. The lowest part is the hollow of your bent knee. The width corresponds with the right and left sides of home plate. By only swinging at pitches that are in the strike zone you greatly increase your chances of getting a hit.

Second, you need to have a good baseball batting stance. The stance starts by having your feet wider than shoulder width apart. You should have a slight bend in your knees and you should come slightly off your heels. Your arms should be in the shape of an upside down V with your elbows pointing downward and the knob of the bat should be pointing in the opposing batters box creating a good bat angle. Last but not least, both eyes should be square on the pitcher.

When the pitcher releases the ball, you want to be done with your load. The load involves bringing your hands back 2-4 inches and your front foot out 4-6 inches. Make sure your weight is on your backside, but do not overload backside. No more than 60% of your weight should be back.

When a good pitch enters the strike zone try to hit the ball. Dive the baseball strike zone into three parts, L for left, C for center, and R for Right. When the pitch enters one of those zones, turn you backside, drive your hands to proper field, and finish high. This will help maximize you power to each field.

Now that you know the fundamental steps, you must work every day to improve your baseball batting. Don't let a few bad days bring you down. Persistence is the key to being a great ball player!

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