Monday, March 28, 2011

Techniques For Choosing The Right Baseball Gear For You

By Jason Nieder

In order to play your best, it's important to have baseball gear that's right for you. When getting your equipment, consider factors like your position, size, and age. You should also consider you budget as well as how much you're willing to invest in your gear. The following are some helpful guidelines for choosing baseball equipment that's appropriate for you or the person you're shopping for.

The fundamental offensive weapon in baseball is the bat, and this can be found in several varieties. You also have to choose a bat that doesn't violate the regulations of your own team or league. Some players like old fashioned wooden bats, and you can at least be sure these are allowed no matter where you play. Aluminum bats, and those made with materials such as titanium and graphite are more powerful and also can last longer than wood.

You've probably heard that the catcher has the hardest job of all positions in baseball right? The catcher is the one most likely to get hit with a bat or a blisteringly fast ball as he crouches for hours behind home plate. The gear for this position often includes a full face mask, chest protection and a glove with extra padding among other things. Just in case a ball or a bat for that matter gets the better of you it's imperative that you be protected with shin guards, groin cups and chest protection. Because you'll find it necessary to wear this gear for long periods of time it's important that it be comfortable and fit properly.

The pitcher may want to invest in a pitching target to practice on in his spare time. These are simple devices that help you improve your aim and style, when there's no one around to catch the ball for you. Rawlings makes one called the Comeback which is helpful for fielding practices as well as pitching too. This device is perfect for infield, outfield and pitching positions since it's angle can be adjusted for fly balls and grounders too.

When it comes to skills, there's no substitute for steady practice, and having your own equipment can make this easier for you. You can bring out the best in your game if you have the right baseball gear. You want to concentrate on the game when playing and not your equipment, which is why it needs to fit properly and serve its purpose. This is why you need to do some research and find the gear that's most suitable for you and the position you play.

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