Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learn To Build Your Mental Psychology As A Baseball Player

By Dusty Mattingly

There hasn't been a team I played for that coach hasn't said, "You need to be confident at the plate!" That is usually followed by something like, "I will give you all the support you need, but I can't teach you to be confident!" Although technically your coach can't teach you confidence, there is a path you can take to building it on your own.

I came across an article the other day that focused on Self Concept. If you are anything like me, you are probably thinking that your self concept is how you would describe yourself. Well if I were to do that in baseball terms, I would describe myself as a scrappy, hard working player who lacked speed, but had just enough talent to make himself into a good player.

If this is starting to get to deep for you, stay with me, it has a happy ending. It dawned on me that your self concept has nothing to do with any adjective that can ever describe your baseball performance or your baseball skills. Adjectives can change from day to day, but your self concept is a relative constant!

Here is something a little more accurate. I know Dusty is a great player and is capable of a great performance. I trust Dusty to make the right decisions on the baseball field. Very simple, but very powerful. Your self concept deals directly with your emotional perception and visualization of yourself. If you emotionally feel that you are incapable of making good decisions or are not talented enough to succeed, then you won't!

How does your self concept measure up? If you are honest with yourself, how willing are you to trust your hard work and your talent? If you are like most, the answer will be not very! It takes a deep breath and different perspective to understand and accept the realities of success and failure around you.

If your baseball self concept isn't as high as it should be, I want you to take the time to write down why. I want you to write down 12 sentences that begin with, I would be the happiest baseball player if. Then, I want you to write down 12 action steps to accomplish your 12 if statements. Finally, I want you ask yourself, am I taking the necessary steps to improve. Just by completing that small exercise, you are on you way to a better self concept, and a better performance on the baseball field.

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You Must Know Defining How to Accept a Bad Day as a Baseball Player

By Dusty Mattingly

Those who deny the reality of failure on the baseball field are bound to have a frustrating baseball career. The players and baseball coaches that deny this reality are easy to spot on the field. You will see them yelling, tossing equipment, and throwing temper tantrums because they refuse to accept any type of mis-communication on the diamond.

Well what I have come to realize is that is all a bunch of propaganda that leads to frustration, anger, self doubt, etc. By not accepting failure, you fail to accept reality. By not accepting reality, you are limiting your potential. Let me give you an example.

If you have the mindset that you have the skill level and that you trained well enough to be a .300 hitter, but you hit .250, then you are probably going to be pretty upset and frustrated. Especially when it happens year after year. However, if you accept the fact that your batting average is a direct result of your approach and your batting training sessions, then you are open to improvements. "If I am .250 hitter now, what can I change or improve to make myself a .300 hitter?"

A very subtle difference in mindset that can go a long way. Now I am not telling you to go change everything after a week. You are going to have highs and lows in a season and the ability to remain consistent with your batting approach remains crucial at any level. However, if you have been a .250 hitter for a month or two, now its time to reassess your batting training sessions.

Here are 3 simple steps to consistently keeping your performance at a high level. Step 1, accept that the fact that you will fail, its inevitable. Step 2, be honest about your skill level. It's great to be confident, but be realistic. If you have never had legitimate baseball success or your constantly making excuses for why you didn't perform then your simply not as skilled as you think you are, deal with it! Step 3, make a note of what skill level you are at, what skill level you want to be at, and then make a list of action steps on how to bridge the gap.

Most people go there whole career without ever going through these steps. I want you to go through these three steps at the beginning of every day, every week, and every month. If you can continuously reassess your baseball skill level, and continuously design a game plan that makes you better, you have no place to go but up.

Those who refuse to accept failure as part of the game, limit their potential to grow. They will never truly understand their success or their downfalls. Only when you take a step back, gain perspective, and move forward with a purpose will you have the ability to reach your baseball batting potential.

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Making Nutritious Decisions When Eating At Restaurants

By Thomas Wilson

Most of us have quite possibly dealt with this problem before in their lives. You start up a baseball training program, invest a lot of time in doing your baseball workouts, and also eat healthy day after day. Then, 2 or 3 days into your training program, all your family members want to go out to eat. Of course, family should always be your first priority and you don't want to miss out on any valuable time with your family so you decide to go with them. You end up choosing really unhealthy, high calorie foods, you end up getting discouraged and stop your training program completely simply because you feel you screwed up so badly. Sound familiar? Trust me, it has happened to me a couple of times when I was younger and it has very likely happened to you. Thankfully for us, there are ways to prevent messing up your healthy eating and baseball workouts program when you're going out to eat.

To demonstrate just how easy it can be to stick to your baseball workouts and diet program when eating out, we will suppose you are going to one of the toughest places to stick with a diet plan...McDonald's. There can not be anything even relatively healthy at McDonald's, right? Wrong! Regardless of where you go out to eat, there's always likely to be something that will at least not totally destroy your diet program.

Using McDonald's as an example, a lot of people probably will order a burger, french fries, and perhaps a soft drink or a shake. This is the type of food that will destroy your diet plan entirely. However, substituting a chicken sandwich, a salad (yes McDonald's does serve salads), and a glass of water should be in accordance with your diet plan.

McDonald's isn't the only case however! Most (if not all) restaurants will have salads and quite a few will have nutritious meals such as lean meat and vegetables. With a little creativeness, substituting healthy foods can be achieved at every restaurant.

It won't be easy deciding on nutritious items while the rest of your family pigs out on unhealthy junk food. Just don't forget which you love more...baseball or food? You're either going to suffer the pain of self-discipline by eating healthy or the pain of regret after you realize you've wrecked your diet plan by eating that junk food. Believe me, the pain of self-discipline is a whole lot better!

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Two Very Easy Yet Still Effective Hitting Drills

By Thomas Wilson

Do you find yourself searching for a new, simple, and useful hitting drill to include in your baseball workouts program? After looking around the internet and talking to a number of baseball players and coaches to discover some amazing new hitting drills for you to consider. Today I'll write about two of them for you to test out and see what you think.

Dried Bean Drill: This drill is extremely like soft tossing with golf whiffle balls, except using dried beans. The next time you happen to be at the supermarket, buy a couple of bags of dried butter beans. This is extremely inexpensive, as they normally cost around 50 cents a bag.

Stand a couple of feet to the side of the hitter and soft-toss the dried butter beans to the hitter. For starters the hitter should hit with his normal bat and as he gets better and can hit the beans consistently, he should eventually move to batting with a broom stick. This is going to challenge his hand-eye coordination and after doing this for some time, a baseball will start to look more like a beach ball!

Soccer Ball Drill: This is a wonderful drill for baseball players to increase their hitting power and their follow-through. For this drill you will want both a batting tee as well as a partially inflated soccer ball.

Set the batter up with a tee and a batting screen like they would be hitting off a tee normally. Now, set the partly inflated soccer ball on top of the tee and have them hit it repeatedly. It will require far more strength to hit the soccer ball than they would use for a ordinary baseball. Now put ordinary baseballs on top of the tee and have them take one or two swings at baseballs. They will recognize that after adjusting to hitting a soccer ball they now are following through much better on the baseballs.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Is The History of Baseball?

By Owen Jones

Much has been written about the history and birth of the sport of baseball and disagreement has surrounded the subject for over a century.There has long been a legend, once extensively believed by many Americans, that baseball was made-up by one Abner Doubleday in 1839.

However there never has been a single scrap of evidence to support this assertion, which was in fact never supported by Doubleday himself. There is a large quantity of documentary evidence left by him including letters and nowhere is there mention of the game of baseball, or that he thought he played any major part in the development of the game.

In fact, baseball (and softball), as well as the other contemporary bat, ball and running games, cricket and rounders, was developed from earlier folk games. Baseball probably originated in Britain, but comparable games were played in many regions of Europe such as a game comparable to the British rounders. It was called schlagball and was played in Germany.

Russians had played a bat and ball game known as lapta since medieval times, whilst In Romania they played a version called Oina. There is very little information as to how the contemporary game of baseball developed from these previous types of ballgames .

There is one school of thinking that maintains that they evolved into a game called town ball which was the precursor of baseball. Although others think that town ball and baseball are independent developments. The real ?father of American baseball? was not Abner Doubleday but one Shane Ryley Foster, who wrote the first published rules of baseball in 1845 for a New York (Manhattan) base ball club called the Knickerbockers.

However on June 3, 1953, Congress officially recognized Alexander Cartwright with inventing the modern game of baseball, and he was also voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Alexander Cartwright was a New York bookseller who umpired the first-ever recorded U.S. baseball game with codified rules in Hoboken, New Jersey on June 19, 1846.

He also founded the older of the two teams that played that day, the New York Knickerbockers. Cartwright later became contaminated by ?gold Fever? and emigrated to California, introducing the game of baseball to a lot of of the cities he stopped at on his way to California..

In 1857 a convention was held to update the old rules laid down for the Knickerbocker club and delegates came from sixteen clubs in New York. In 1858, twenty-five teams including one from New Jersey came together to form the National Association of Base Ball Players . It governed until 1870 but arranged and sanctioned no games.

During and after the American Civil War, the movements of soldiers and exchanges of prisoners helped spread the game. In 1869 the first openly professional baseball team was formed. Earlier players were nominally amateurs.

The Cincinnati Red Stockings took on players nationally and actually toured the country. No one beat them until June 1870. After 1870, more and more professional teams were created and the era of the game that we know and love today was started.

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The Value of Keeping Hydrated for Baseball Players

By Thomas Wilson

The majority of the regular baseball season is played through the hottest months of the year. Not only are games held in the high temperatures, but players also take part in baseball workouts outside in the heat on top of that. Hot temperatures mean that the body loses fluids through sweating a lot faster than normal. When lost body fluids aren't replaced your body's temperature goes up which could trigger quicker physical weakness, and also a threat of heat injuries. Due to this,it's extremely important that you simply replace those body fluids so that you can perform to the best of your abilities.

Ensure that on days that you do not play baseball or perform baseball workouts that you have at the least 64 ounces of liquids a day. On days which you are out in the heat playing baseball or exercising, you need to consume at the very least 100 ounces per day.

Water is the ideal drink, and cold water (between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit) is recommended. Fruits and vegetables which are loaded with water are also great to consume regularly. Always make sure you stay away from coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks as they will surely dehydrate you. The same goes with alcohol which should never be consumed.

Whether sports drinks hydrate you better than water while doing physical exercise is highly debated. Personally, while sports drinks supply you with vitamins and carbohydrates, they're usually much more filling and so you tend to drink much less. Therefore watercontinues to be the best option for baseball players in my opinion.

The most important thing to remember is to just keep yourself hydrated both on and off the field. Drink plenty of water before you get thirsty. The moment you're thirsty you are already dehydrated. Overall, take better care of your body and your baseball workouts and overall performance on the field will certainly improve.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Tips For Safety When Playing Baseball You Need To Be Aware Of

By Arthur Goldberry

While baseball is not usually considered as dangerous as contact sports such as football, many players of all ages do get injured while playing this game, so it's important to follow some sensible policies for safety There are a number of ways that injuries can occur, which include being hit by a ball, accidents with bats and collisions with other players In this article, we'll be looking at some safety guidelines that can help prevent injuries and accidents in baseball

The very first thing every player needs is a full physical so that coaches are fully aware of any and all pre-existing conditions or injuries a player might have In most cases, unhealed injuries should not allow a player to continue to play Injuries that happen during game play need to be immediately assessed It's ultimately the coaches decision whether to seek medical help when they suspect a player is injured but not being honest about it

No matter the age of the player or type of league they are on, helmets are imperative to avoid injury from dangerous fast ball hits Anyone who steps up to bat is at risk for being hit by a pitch, so it's essential that a high quality helmet be worn This hold true for practice as well as games Faceguard helmets provide the best protection especially for kids Because of the potential for fatal or severe injuries the head is the most important part of the body to protect

It's important for baseball players to stay hydrated, especially when playing in hot weather During extremely warm weather, it's possible for even healthy players to suffer from heat exhaustion or sunstroke Calling off games due to heat is a good idea if it's too extreme If you are the parent of a young player, you should use your judgment about allowing your child to play if the temperatures are going to be unusually high Hydration is important no matter what the weather

If you follow basic principles for safety baseball is a safe sport Not every accident or injury can be prevented but many are caused by a lack of proper measures As a player, parent or coach, it's up to you to be alert and make sure the proper rules are being followed The guidelines above will help all involved enjoy baseball without accidents or injuries

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Being a Honorable Ball Player

By Thomas Wilson

It's not a secret that recently performance enhancing drugs have taken the baseball world by storm. As an alternative for (or in addition to) baseball workouts and training, several professional players have turned to these types of drugs to keep the "glamor" of being a star in the major leagues. Nowadays younger players are thinking that it is okay to use these types of drugs because they are so obsessed about making it to the major leagues that they are willing to tear their body apart with these drugs to do it! This makes me sick!

I am not about to start a long rant concerning the undesirable side effects drugs and alcohol will have on your body. You are old enough to realize that! What I'm about to tell you is that drugs are for lazy people who want to take the quick and easy option. But it will ultimately backfire on them!

Consider Barry Bonds, who most people believe (like myself) that he used steroids. He perhaps took steroids simply because he was scared of not being good enough for the big leagues or desiring to become "better," more well known, get more cash, and have even more fans. He was probably captivated by the glamor of the major leagues. Now, he has lost quite a bit of his fan base and lots of baseball followers do not like him because he probably cheated. His plan backfired.

If you love and respect the sport of baseball you will do your best and develop your ability only by working hard, doing baseball workouts, eating healthy, and practicing. These stupid players who are hoping to achieve their dreams through drugs are losers.

Do not ever let the thought of cheating even pass through your mind! If you work hard enough, you can achieve your dreams without being known as the person who cheated. Make the most of the information and training suggestions readily available to you online and in books. Go out and practice every single day and take care of your health...do not destroy it with drugs!

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The Number One Way to Get Fit for Baseball Season

By Thomas Wilson

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of ways to get fit and additionally to develop your baseball skills. Caused by the great variety of options offered to young baseball players, some young players have a tough time sorting through all of the junk to get to the training methods and products which will really make a difference in their baseball workouts. Let me tell you first hand, that the very best way to get in good shape for baseball season is something you already know about and have more than likely already done. The number one way to get in shape for baseball season and also to improve your baseball workouts is...running!

You are probably asking, "could it really be that simple?" Yes and no. Running is the greatest overall exercise to improve your fitness for baseball season. Having said that, it's best to make certain that your baseball workouts are diverse and also concentrate on a variety of different components of your game...not only running.

You should be aware that I did not claim that running is the most effective way to get better at baseball, I stated that running is the most effective means to get in shape for the baseball season. If you notice though, you will see that almost all MLB players are in the superb physical condition that baseball requires. No matter the number of grounders or fly balls you field every day, you are going to be limited by your physical conditioning as to how far your fielding range is, how fast you are, and your power. While running alone is unable to improve you in all of these components, it will give you a good foundation to build upon.

Do some investigation on your own if you do not believe me. You will find that baseball players, especially pitchers, do lots of running all through the offseason and into the regular season too. It's an overall fat buster and muscle builder that no baseball player should do without.

Please be aware that I am not a doctor and that you should check with your doctor before beginning any training routines.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Methods to Break in a Brand New Glove

By Thomas Wilson

Congratulations on getting a brand new baseball baseball glove! You most likely have discovered by now that your brand new baseball glove is most likely pretty stiff and difficult to play with. Don't worry, as this is totally normal. Your new baseball glove must be broken in to be able to work properly and fit comfortably in a game. While everyone has their own customs and recommendations when it comes to breaking in a new glove, read on for some of the best options I have discovered.

Just Use It: This is more than likely the most effective approach to soften up your brand new glove. Unfortunately, it also takes the longest of the approaches mentioned here to get good results. Simply play catch with a partner daily for a week or two and your glove will begin to feel far more comfortable and will sooner or later be ready to use in a game. In the event that a partner isn't available, simply throw the soccer ball into your other hand as hard as you're able to repeatedly. Use this strategy when there's no hurry to start playing with your new glove.

Heat: Another way to soften up your glove some is to try using a form of heat. While there are a number of various techniques and approaches to breaking in your new glove with heat, many are unsafe and aren't advised. A few of these include microwaving your baseball glove and warming it in the oven. These are not very safe in my opinion and should be avoided. One strategy that I have found that works just as well is to leave your new baseball glove in the car on a summer day for around one hour. Cars and trucks can get really hot during the summer (up to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit) and tend to be a great deal safer compared to ovens and microwaves.

Oils: Although I usually do not recommend this technique, many people like to put lubricants in their brand new baseball glove to soften it up. Some examples are baby oil, vaseline, shaving cream, saddle soap, or specialty glove oils. I usually don't suggest this technique simply because it's disputed whether it deteriorates the life span of your baseball glove and makes your baseball glove heavier since the liquid soaks into it. With the very high cost of baseball gloves currently, I for one am not going to take any risks.

Mattress: One old-school way to break in your baseball glove is to keep a ball in it at all times, and to keep it under your mattress a few nights when you go to bed. You might also try turning it inside out and doing the very same thing.

Keep in mind, owning a brand new glove is nice, but it won't make you a better player! You need to do that by yourself! Do your best on your baseball workouts, and put that glove to use!

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Three Tips on Hitting the Baseball

By Jeff Wise

Baseball hitting is a very difficult skill, and one that all players long to master. No one wants to be an average hitter. They all want to be the best they can be. While hitting the baseball may be a challenge, there are a few tips that can help you greatly improve.

First, you have to become familiar with the strike zone. This area is typically from the armpits to the middle of the knees. Protect these areas and swing at any ball that comes in the strike zone. The more you practice and improve, the better you will get at recognizing strikes. Knowing the strike zone and having the confidence to hit strikes will help you with hitting the baseball.

Second, make sure you are selective about the pitches you swing at. Again, make sure they are in the strike zone. If a ball doesn't feel right, though, you don't necessarily have to swing. Remember that you have three strikes during each at-bat. Wait for a ball you like and then attack it with everything you've got.

Another important tip is to remain confident at all times. It's common for players to strike out simply because they're afraid they'll strike out. They don't fully extend their arms while they swing because of fear, therefore not hitting their best.

Hitting the baseball requires a great deal of mental strength so you need to have confidence in yourself. Picture yourself hitting the ball before you step up to the plate. Don't be arrogant, just confident in your hitting abilities. If you start to feel fear, take a step back, breathe, and then get back in the game mentally and physically.

These three tips will greatly help while you're hitting the baseball. Remembering them during practice and at games will get you that much closer to being the hitter you long to be.

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Selecting Baseball Positions: The Perfect Person For That Specific Baseball Job

By Mary M. Sanders

May be you have always loved professional baseball but perhaps you have never thought of joining the baseball industry. There are different ways to become involved with this industry in some way. You may think of being employed with a team or even with a league. However, you may not be involved with professional league; rather you can be involved with independent baseball league section.

Did you know that the independent baseball leagues and teams are not really affiliated with the Major League Baseball organization? You may be aware that these leagues or teams aim to become a profitable enterprise.

Well, may be you want to ask whether you can get yourself involved in the baseball industry even though you do not want to work in the capacity of a player, coach, manager or owner. We can now look at some ideas.

League Level: You can easily work in the office of an independent baseball league. The skills that you need to have are all related to planning and public relations. You may good at strategic planning or marketing. You may be good at media relations or attracting sponsors. So these are some examples of office level work you may get.

Entry Level: Many independent baseball teams may need your help if you can help them with enticing people to them. Your job would be to attract people so that they spend money on the team by buying tickets etc. You can help with community relations and game-day operations.

Jobs with specialty: When you have some specialty skills, you have greater chances of getting a well paid job in this industry. You may work in online radio broadcasting, public address announcing and statistical analysis sector. The higher level specialty skills like graphic design for logos, stadium design, game scheduling, and sponsorship obligations etc can make you more valuable.

Management at team level: Team management covers a lot of different types of management issues that may include management of people as well as payroll issues. You should have the ability to run a small or medium business so that you can liaise with all related people. You may also have to work on budgeting and networking.

Do you know that in 2011 there are over 50 independent baseball teams scheduled to play? That means you have some chances to join the baseball industry if you are willing. Your love for baseball is not the only qualifications. You need to convince the owner, league president and general manger that you can play well in the profit game. Moreover, whether you can maintain high standard is also important.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 7 Top Baseball Equipment Brands

By Thomas Wilson

When investing in baseball workouts or training products it is worthwhile to take all of the different top manufacturers into consideration before making your final decision. This can help to make sure that you're not only getting the best quality product, but on top of that the very best value for your money. With that in mind, the following is my list of the best baseball supplies brand names that you ought to look into when purchasing new supplies. Please be aware that this is only a small sample of my favorite companies, which when you put the time, it is best to look at a few more besides those found on this list.

Wilson: Created in 1916 by Thomas Wilson, Wilson Sporting Goods Company is based in Chicago, IL. It is the owner of the DeMarini brand name most commonly known for its baseball bats and Wilson is owned by Amer Sports, based out of Finland. Active MLB players sponsored by Wilson include Ivan Rodriguez, Evan Longoria, Hanley Ramirez, and David Wright.

Easton: Started in 1922 by Doug Easton, Easton Sports is based in Van Nuys, CA. Its principal contributions to the baseball world are its excellent headwear as well as baseball bats. Current major league baseball players sponsored by Easton include Andre Eithier, Jason Bay, David Ortiz, and Carlos Pea.

Hillerich & Bradsby: Headquartered in Louisville, KY, Hillerich & Bradsby is best known for its Louisville Slugger baseball bats. H&B also makes baseball gloves and various other sports gear under the PowerBilt label. Reported by Louisville Slugger's official website, 60% of MLB players swing their bats. Some of those players include Dustin Pedroia, Dan Uggla, Derek Jeter, and Alex Rodriguez.

Rawlings: Owned by Jarden Corp., Rawlings is based in St. Louis, MO. Best known for its baseball gloves and baseballs, Rawlings has been the official supplier of baseballs to the major leagues since 1977. Rawlings also is the creator of the MLB Gold Glove Award. Some current professional baseball players that use Rawlings products include Albert Pujols, Johan Santana, Chase Utley, and Adrian Gonzalez.

Mizuno: Founded in 1906 by Rihachi and Rizo Mizuno, Mizuno Corp. is a Japanese sports company that makes a wide range of sports equipment and sportswear. Some some current major league baseball players that are sponsored by Mizuno include Chipper Jones, Andrew McCutchen, Brian McCann, and Ichiro Suzuki.

Under Armour: Started by University of Maryland students Kevin Plank and Jordan Lindgren out of Plank's grandmother's basement, Under Armour is now one of the leading manufacturers in the sports world. Besides their well-known shirts, Under Armour also makes batting gloves, cleats, and baseball pants. Some current players sponsored by Under Armour include Buster Posey, Matt Wieters, Clayton Kershaw, and Bryce Harper.

Nike: Based around Beaverton, OR, Nike's key contributions to the baseball world include sportswear, batting gloves, and cleats. Some some current MLB players sponsored by Nike include Derrek Lee, Robinson Cano, CC Sabathia, and Jimmy Rollins.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moments in Baseball History - World Series 2003

By Robert Nickel

The world series celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2003. The series in that season will be remembered not only for its historical importance, but also for the unlikely match up that occurred as the two teams to make the series were the New York Yankees and the Florida Marlins. While the New York Yankees are considered to be annual favorites for the world series, their opponents in 2003 were a complete wild card and shocked many by making it all the way to the world series.

The Marlins were celebrating an anniversary that year too, as it was their tenth year in the league. While there was an expectation to acknowledge this birthday during the season, no one expected the Marlins to make the World Series much less win it by defeating the heavily favored, championship caliber team that was the 2003 Yankees. Even though Florida had won the World Series once before, in 1997, no one expected them to do it again so soon as their first victory was marked by the fact that they had never even qualified for the post season before then. After the victory in 1997, they failed to qualify for the playoffs every year after until the 2003 season.

In the season following the first championship, the team failed to qualify for the post season and finished with the worst record in the entire league. Having sold off or traded many of the players who had been an integral part of the world series victory, the team quickly tumbled down the standings and did not qualify for the post season.

Season after season of futility followed. In the fall of 2002, the Marlins started off poorly and their lackluster play was not viewed as a surprise by either local fans or sports analysts. Compiling an early record of 16 wins and 22 losses, the club fired manager Jeff Torborg and replaced him with Jack McKeon in an effort to stop the losing. It was a gamble that paid immediate dividends and the Marlins went on to finish the season from that point with 75 wins and 49 losses under McKeon. This was sufficient to win the wild card birth in the post season.

On their way to the finals, they defeated the San Francisco Giants three games to one in a tight series. Their next opponent, the Chicago Cubs, took a commanding three games to one lead in the series but rallied to win the final three games, defeating the Cubs four games to three. The next stop was the World Series.

Facing the New York Yankees was daunting, to say the least. The Yankees are one of the most winning and storied franchises in baseball and had the vet laden roster and 164 million dollar payroll to prove it. The Marlins, by contrast, were one of the youngest teams in the league and also had one of the lowest payrolls, fielding a team that cost a paltry 54 million. It was truly a "David versus Goliath" match-up.

The Yankees had every advantage, including home-field, and many expected the series to be a short one. The Marlins stole the first game, but the Yankees asserted themselves quickly and took a two games to one series lead with back to back six to one victories. But the Marlins prevailed, winning the next three games and taking the series by a score of four games to two. For the second time in less than ten years, and on the 100th birthday of the World Series and the 10th anniversary of the franchise, the Marlins had become World Champions once again.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Three Silly Weight Training Myths in Baseball

By Thomas Wilson

There are a variety of common myths out there pertaining to weight training for baseball players. Some were created a while ago while many others were spread recently through the web. Over the years, many athletes have been kept back in their baseball workouts because of these common myths. We hope that by discovering the real facts you will discover ways to change your baseball workouts so you can reach your maximum potential in the sport. Please note that I am not a doctor and you should check with your doctor prior to getting started on any training programs.

Myth 1: Weight training will likely ruin a good swing.

Facts: Nothing could be more incorrect! Weight training is essential to be a better hitter! Specific things should be taken into account while weight training though. Ensure that you're stretching before and after you workout, and balance your workouts with aerobic workouts also. One more point to keep in mind is that you're a baseball player and therefore your primary training priority is to get better at baseball. This means that while you ought to be keeping fit, you'll want to devote the majority of your time on the baseball diamond practicing your baseball fundamentals.

Myth 2: Pitchers should not lift weights.

Facts: Simillar to myth one, not much could be further from the truth. If you're a pitcher that doesn't lift weights, you are usually going to be beaten more often than not by batters who do lift weights! A few people argue that you will get injured by lifting weights if you are a pitcher. The reality is though, that lifting weights in fact helps to keep you from getting injured! This is the reason why many MLB pitchers commit to a year long training program, to keep themselves conditioned for the 200+ innings they are going to be throwing each season.

Myth 3: Weight training is going to make a player a better hitter or a better pitcher.

Facts: You're likely saying to yourself "you just said that both hitters and pitchers ought to weight train but now you're telling me it will not make me better?" Yes, I am telling you that lifting weights will not make you a better hitter or a better pitcher...alone. While it's very vital to incorporate a good weight training program into your workouts, you ought to be practicing your swing or your pitching motion to actually make you a better hitter or pitcher. What I am trying to say is that you need to be putting in at least as much practice time on the diamond as you are in the gym. It is all about sticking to a well-balanced workout plan.

Now that we have debunked these common baseball training misconceptions, hopefully you will be able to modify your baseball workouts and training plan to help you become the very best baseball player you can be!

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Monday, May 16, 2011

The Usefulness of Keeping a Fitness Journal for Baseball Players

By Thomas Wilson

When you think of a fitness journal, you normally think of an item countless health professionals highly recommend to folks wanting to shed some pounds. Well, whether or not you are wanting to lose weight, a fitness journal is a terrific tool to help players keep an eye on their eating habits and baseball workouts. So why will a fitness journal help you? What exactly do you want to put in your fitness journal? These are both questions that will be addressed in the following paragraphs.

Let's start with what you should write in your fitness journal. Essentially, all the things you do that relates to your baseball workouts and training should be logged in. To start with, you need to list everything you eat and if you seriously desire to go above and beyond, the important nutritional information for those foods (calories, grams of fat,etc.) You will also need to write in all your baseball workouts in addition to the general health and fitness routines you are doing. Every different exercise you do, you want to log into your journal. Even how long spent stretching before and after your workouts should go in your fitness journal!

This is particularly critical when you go to the gym or fitness room at your school that you write in each and every little detail. You should make sure you put down the number of sets and repetitions you do when lifting weights as well as what your incline, speed, time, and distance was when running on the treadmill and also other cardio machines. These are all valuable details to keep track of.

Whenever you are on the baseball diamond practicing individually or along with several teammates, just after you are finished you will need to write down a general overview of what you did. It does not need to be quite as specific as your diet log and baseball workouts summary will be, but you should at the least mention what drills you did and for about how long.

Now that you have any idea how to keep a fitness journal and also what you ought to write in it, it is now time to talk about why using one is so beneficial. To begin with, it allows you track your advancement in each of the various factors of your health. You can see that you have improved and can do 25 more pushups, run a mile further, or field a lot more of your ground balls cleanly than you could a month ago are just a few examples. Yet another additional advantage is that should you ever get injured, you will be able to show your doctor or trainer your fitness journal and they will be able to tell you if you are doing something incorrect with your baseball workouts or maybe you simply just need to stretch more. There are lots of advantages to keeping a journal, however those are just a few. If there is one thing I seriously recommend to serious players looking to enhance their baseball ability, using a fitness journal would unquestionably be it. Not only just the benefits I described above, but also the satisfaction of looking back in a couple of years and seeing how far you have come in your training and overall fitness makes it totally worthwhile!

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Train Your Baseball Swing With Passion For Better Growth

By Jim Chapman

Any time you watch a professional perform their particular skill live, you can't help but to admire how talented they are. It takes amazing ability to do what they do, and as a result, they are well compensated for their work. What most people don't see however, is the unbelievable amount of time and effort that they have put in to becoming so skilled at their craft.

I had the privilege of watching an interview with one of the great actors of our time. I sat their amazed as one of the most talented and versatile performers explained the countless hours that he puts in on a daily basis practicing his craft. The hours of practice didn't only amaze me, but the passion with how he explained his practice amazed me!

As I kept watching the interview I decided that I needed to make a change in my life. I needed to become more passionate about the things that I love. My question for you is, are you willing to make sacrifices to become the best you can be at your craft? For some of you, that will baseball.

If you are passionate about becoming a great baseball player or baseball coach, are you willing to learn more about baseball batting training, fielding training, pitching training, etc? Are you will to put in extra effort during your baseball practice sessions?

I promise, if you make the decision to give your all to your baseball training, you will not be disappointed. If you don't know where to begin, start by doing your research. There is plenty of baseball batting training videos and great baseball information at your disposal. Read, watch, learn, and practice what you have been taught!

If you are still wondering what type of effort I am talking about, or you think you are already there, I want you to click the link below watch the same interview that I watched. I promise you will no be disappointed.


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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Expert Baseball Strategies Used By The Pros

By Dana McLean

Anybody who plays or coaches baseball has to be knowledgeable about various tactics for different points of the game. While it's definitely important that players practice the physical skills needed to play their best, it's also critical that everyone on the team is prepared for every situation. Also, it is imperative that good teamwork and communication are used during the full game. The goal of this article is to show effective baseball strategies that win games.

In some cases, the key focus of the defense team is to stop a run from occurring. This can be a crucial situation, like when the winning runner is on second or third base and an extra run would win the game. Yet, even if the entire game is not in the balance, you still want to stop runners from getting to home place when you are in the field. One such strategy to try is to keep the infield in place when there is a run on third base. If a ground ball is hit to the infielders, they can throw the ball to the home plate instead of attempting to get an out on first base. Quite naturally, this tactic is very risky. This means that is a higher chance the ball will go over the heads of the infielders.

While a few hitters have a greater ability to make contact with the ball than others, the best method for improving hitting skills is to practice. Almost anyone from children to adults will find the batting tee a very helpful resource. This is something that can be utilized off season as well as during the normal baseball season. So it can help hitters practice their swing all year. Even practicing your swing in the air will help if you can see yourself hitting the ball. Coaches should also try monitor every batter very closely and see if there are things that need to be improved. This is because some hitters need to change their stance or their grip on the bat.

Communication between players can mean a lot during the game. This is really true in the outfield. This is where there can sometimes be uncertainty about which player is going to go after the ball. If players aren't communicating properly, there can be confusion or even collisions in the outfield. The center fielder is given the most focus. So, the left and right fielders should not get into his territory. Players should always call out, "I've got it." Once one player indicates this, the other players should stay out of that area.

As this article describes, playing pro baseball involves a lot of things and everyone must work as a team. It is important to learn from your errors as well from your wins. So coaches should speak about the games with errors as a way to teach and motivate players for the next time and not to punish them. While the main goal of baseball should be to have fun, there's no denying that winning is more fun than losing!

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An Overview Of Baseball Analysis

By Timothy Belwood

Reaching important conclusions about players and teams through statistical baseball analysis requires some understanding of the game. Whether an amateur or professional analyst, a grounding in basic pitching and batting data is a must.

With regard to hitters, batting statistics are key in teasing out the general acumen of players at the plate. Hitting for power is affirmed by large numbers of home runs. The ability to hit in general is determined by batting average. Players with high batting averages may or may not hit for power as well. Hitting statistics are important in a player's earning power. Better hitters will obviously earn more money.

While batters secure their paychecks by hitting, pitchers obviously secure theirs by preventing hits and runs. Probably the three most important categories in figuring a pitcher's worth are runs permitted per nine innings (earned run average), as well as games won and batters struck out. His spot in the pitching rotation, and his value to the team, can be pretty closely found out by analyzing these numbers.

While casual fans have a general aptitude of using statistics to analyze players and determine who the stars of the game are, professional analysts work with the numbers in a more complex manner. These are the statisticians who crunch numbers, living and breathing statistics and using them to form accurate comparisons between teams and players.

Broader professional analysis makes use of sophisticated technology. Statistical charts and graphs can often clarify data, and these visual representations can then be presented during games to more casual baseball fans.

Baseball analysis, then, concerns a wide array of statistics and data that can be used for both basic and complex comparisons of players, teams, and games from all eras of the game. It also allows for a determination of the general financial worth of a particular player, and that player's place in baseball history.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Ways to Find Motivation to Keep Improving at Baseball

By Thomas Wilson

Regardless of how much you enjoy the game of baseball, every one of us struggle to stay motivated sometimes. Why do baseball workouts since it is a lot more convenient to lounge around on the sofa? It is often a challenging dilemma to conquer, but it's crucial to do so...and speedily. The individuals who triumph over this challenge the quickest are going to become the very best. It is that simple. Regardless of how fantastic of a player you are, if you aren't motivated to practice and you don't practice, you will end up being surpassed by average players who work tirelessly and are motivated to be better than you. It is all about who will work the hardest and the longest to reach their particular goals. This not only is true for baseball training, but anything in life.

The first thing you have to do to get yourself motivated again will be to realize the reason why you are playing baseball to begin with. The majority of people will answer, "Because it's fun." Though that's a perfectly okay answer, think about the reasons why it is fun for you personally. What exactly do you enjoy about it? Envision yourself at the plate with two outs in the bottom of the ninth and hitting the game-winning home run! If you work hard enough, you will not have to visualize that in your head, because you will actually be doing it! It is that simple.

Numerous players get discouraged simply because they had a bad day at practice or because some people who are possibly better players than them make fun of them. While these "better" player's behavior is completely unacceptable, instead of getting back at them physically, encourage yourself to train and practice longer and harder than them. That is going to be a even bigger punishment to them than a punch in the face. I guarantee it. Anytime you think about slacking off, think about them and how awful they will feel when you are significantly better than them and perhaps even take their spot on the team.

The final point to remember is that it doesn't matter if you're not the greatest player on your team at the moment. If you have a dream, ambitions, and the hard work and determination to achieve those goals you will definitely succeed! I am not simply writing this to get you motivated...I genuinely do mean it.

You might assume that the big league players are all born great athletes. I'm here to inform you that a good portion of them are, however there are quite a lot of them who worked their tails off every single day and made their own future what they wanted it to be. And that is exactly what you should do as well.

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Ten Great Baseball Gifts

By Jeff Wise

Baseball fans are easy to shop for. There are so many gift ideas that they would love and hope to get. If you're looking for the perfect baseball gift for someone you know, this article is sure to give you plenty of ideas. No matter the age of the receiver, you can find the perfect baseball gift.

We've included 10 great baseball gift ideas that could be given to either a player or just a fan. The receiver will surely be happy that you gave them a gift that interests them.

For the younger players, a tee ball set is a perfect gift. A tee ball can start teaching kids as young as three years old. For those who are just starting out in a baseball league, equipment is also appropriate, such as baseballs, a bat, hitting gloves, etc.

Baseball cards are also popular with kids. They love to collect and trade with friends. I still have the same baseball cards I received as a kid and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Children and adults alike love baseball movies, so consider purchasing a flic like "Field of Dreams," "A League of Their Own" or "The Sandlot." A ton of great baseball movies have been made.

Baseball fans enjoy clothing with their favorite team logos, such as hats and t-shirts. In addition, team mugs, cups or shot glasses are also considered a great gift for big baseball fans. Most players long to improve their hitting averages, so a book that teaches how to hit a baseball will be much appreciated. This gift can help them accomplish their hitting goals.

If you really want to blow someone away, you could buy them a subscription to MLB.com. Adult fans would really love this. Or another incredible gift idea would be tickets to a Major League Baseball game. This would be especially exciting for someone who doesn't live in a town with a professional team.

The last gift you can give is the gift of time. While it's true that children love presents, the best gift you can give them is to play catch together or take them to a baseball game. They will love the quality time and will cherish it the rest of their lives.

If you want to do something nice for a baseball fan you know, this list should help you with some ideas. If they love the sport, they will love baseball gifts.

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Improve Your Shooting in Basketball

By Laticia Mccorkle

Anyone who plays basketball wants to get better at shooting, as this is the objective of the whole game. In order to shoot accurately, you have to pick the best opportunities to shoot, and focus your mind completely on the task. You also have to remember that you can't learn to shoot properly without paying your dues by practicing continuously. Anyone can boost their basketball shooting skills, and in this article we'll be discussing some of the best ways you can start scoring more points.

One of the most essential things about making basketball shots is having the ability to tell when you should take the shot and when to just wait. Inexperienced, as well as egotistical players will often try to take a shot every whenever they have the ball. Many times, this is the wrong course of action to take. Remember that your purpose is to be a team player and not just score a lot of points. But then again, a few players do not feel comfortable enough to take the shots that they should. Knowing when to take these actions requires expertise. However, always be mindful of your environment while you are learning these new things. Shoot the ball if you are in the right position to do it. But, if you can get the ball in a better shooting position by giving it to someone else, then you have to make the decision. Another important aspect to remember is to put an arc on your shot when shooting it. There is more to this than making a pretty shot. It actually comes down to geometry. When shooting the ball, the straighter the shot, the less chance of making a mistake. This means that your chances for not getting the ball in the hoop greatly go down. There is a higher chance of the ball going in if you throw it higher and it bounces on the rim. A straighter ball can go in the basket, but it has t be thrown with a huge amount of accuracy. But with an arc, there is an opportunity for the ball to hit the rim side or backboard and get in the basket. As you work on your practice shots, attempt to get a good arc.

And as you improve, it will help build your confidence. Although basketball is a very forceful and physical game, you can make your shooting skills better by getting comfortable and dealing with the ball in a more relaxed manner. Quite naturally, you want possession of the ball so that you are holding it tight enough so that no one can rip it from your hands. However, in error, many players will hold it too firmly or put too much force on the ball when they are making a shot. This can be proven because the ball will bounce hard off of the rim. Let your fingertips spin the ball a little. This is so that your shot lands where you want it to and not just in any area.

Shooting a basketball is an activity that involves your entire body, but the position of your hands and arms are especially important. Use your fingertips when shooting because that is what really gives you control over the ball. If you mainly use your palms, you won't have much control and it will be hard to shoot accurately. You also need to keep your arm as straight as possible, with your elbow under the ball. If your elbow sticks out to the side, this can distort your shot causing the ball to veer in the wrong direction. Shoot the ball in as fluid a motion as possible, using your fingertips, arm, and elbow as a single unit.

Becoming a great basketball shooter can't be done with one single step. It takes hard work and lots of practice. You also have to identify the areas where you need the most work and focus on these. Making use of the above tips will help you improve your shooting skills.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

What You Need To Know About Baseball Safety

By Harold Spencer

The number one priority in any sport is the safety of the players and baseball is no different Don't make the mistake of underestimating the danger of playing baseball If you think about it this game warrants some safety caution as well

The pitching position is undoubtedly one of the most difficult and we often see serious injuries in this position Even the best players can become injured and this is no different for young players whose muscles and bones aren't yet fully developed If pain is present it's important that the pitcher be relieved of duties and not overdo it to begin with no matter what the age Many pitchers will avoid admitting they are in pain in the heat of a game which is why it's important that the managers and coaches be savvy to the signs and symptoms of pain and injury in their pitchers There are often guidelines for how many innings a pitcher should play and how many pitches they should throw and avoiding injury means following these guidelines

One thing not too many people know about that can be dangerous are the type of bases used during play It can be easy to hurt a foot, ankle or leg if a player slides deep into a stationary base These bases can be especially dangerous for those sliding headfirst into them These bases called "breakaway" bases are just that, broken apart as the player slides into them making them a good solution to this injury danger A breakaway base will remain stable during normal play If your league is not already implementing this safety feature you should suggest it Teach your players proper methods for sliding into bases and what to look for when sliding into a stationary base

In addition to helmets batters can use other gear to protect themselves too When a player makes contact with the ball having a good batting glove can reduce the sting of impact Of course there are other benefits too such as wrist and hand protection as well as grip perfection You may want to consider a wrist guard to protect wrists from pitches Mouth guards are a good idea for those helmets not fully equipped with a facemask If you want to protect your teeth and mouth from incidental damage consider using a mouth guard Because of the dangers posed in the batting position it's important to protect yourself as best you can with as much gear as you can

As you can see safety in baseball is nothing more than a matter of paying attention to details Coaches and managers should remind players of the need to wear protective gear as well as knowing what is happening at each moment The best way for everyone involved in baseball to stay safe and avoid unnecessary collisions is to stay alert of your surroundings at all times

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What You Need To Know About Baseball Safety

By Zachary Justice

Baseball is not the only sport where safety must be priority one but it is the one we'll discuss here Many players, coaches and parents will underestimate the degree of danger posed with playing baseball Safety is certainly something to keep in mind here as well since bats are heavy and balls fly fast

The pitcher arguably has the hardest job in the game, and this is one position where injuries are common Even the most seasoned major league players are prone to injuries, for those young players with undeveloped bones and muscles these injuries can be dangerous That alone is a good reason for the pitcher not to overdo it and to know when to stop if they are feeling pain Many pitchers won't admit when they're hurt especially in the heat of the game which is why managers and coaches need to be aware of the signs of pain or injury Different leagues have guidelines for how many pitches or innings a pitcher should play, and these should always be followed

One thing not too many people know about that can be dangerous are the type of bases used during play If a player slides into a stationary base too hard it's pretty easy to injure a leg or foot In the case of headfirst slides, a player can even injure their hand, arm or head A solution to this problem is using a breakaway base which comes apart when the player slides into it Under normal conditions the base will remain in place If your league is not already implementing this safety feature you should suggest it Aside from this, players should practice proper sliding techniques and be aware that bases can be dangerous

Aside from helmets, batters can protect themselves from pitches with additional safety gear Batting gloves help lessen the impact when the ball is hit These gloves protect the hand and wrist a well as aid in gripping the bat Wrist guards can protect the wrists from pitches Consider the use of a mouth guard if your helmet isn't equipped with a facemask This protects the mouth and teeth, which can easily be damaged by a speeding ball It's always a good idea to over protect yourself especially since batting is the most dangerous situation for a player to be in

As you can see safety in baseball is nothing more than a matter of paying attention to details Players should be reminded that they must always wear the proper protective gear and be aware of what's going on at all times, whether playing a game or practicing Colliding with a bat or a ball can be dangerous staying alert is the best way to avoid them

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Tips To Play Baseball Like A Professional

By Chris Scarborough

Whether you are a baseball player, coach or parent, there are always new things that you can learn about this game. Baseball has plenty of aspects. There are different ways to hit, pitch and field. There are plenty of mental in addition to physical parts of this game. In this article, we will talk about some more expert baseball tips that will provide you and your team an advantage when you play the game.

One of the hard parts for any sport that is played seasonally is being able to remain fit for the entire year. If players start the baseball season out of shape, it will be very difficult for them to perform physically or mentally. This is why doing a fitness program as well as practice drills, is good for the year round. The ball should be thrown when pitchers are doing drills. Hitters should do drills practicing their swing. This way, when the season gets underway, the players will give their best performance and not stress about starting from scratch.

One of the most alluring things about baseball is that when a hitter is at the plate, there are tons of things to consider. In addition to the score, how many runners on base and how many outs, there are tons of numbers that batters have to take into consideration. When you first get to the plate, you are free to pick your own pitches. If you get behind in the score, your main concentration should be on contacting with the ball and not striking out. If you are ahead in the score, you can pick and choose for a pitch that will get you a walk. The bottom line is that as a hitter, you always have to take all counts into consideration.

Outfield players must be aware of what is going on in the game at all times and know the things that should be handled first at any given point in the game. Simply put, your job is to catch all balls that come in your section of the outfield. But it is also crucial that you know what to do with the ball once it comes to you. It is very normal for players in the outfield to throw the ball to the incorrect base. This can be a mistake that can cost the game. Generally, you have to throw the ball to prevent a score or to stop the runner from getting ready to score. This generally means to throw the ball to the base to get there before the runner does. So if the batter hits the ball and is on base, you should throw the ball to second base before he gets there.

In conclusion, baseball can get quite confusing. In order for the team to perform well, all players must be aware of what has to be accomplished at all points in the game. This means that team members should do the practice drills that will make them perform better and be more alert. This tips that we have examined should help you and your team play like advanced players.

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Learn More About Baseball Collectibles

By Danielle Russell

Having an appetite for more than just playing cards are baseball collectible enthusiasts. Bobble heads, bats, gloves, jerseys to autographed balls, caps and even action figures are the memorabilia that's now being sought after.

Of course the best kind of baseball collectible is the one you were able to secure for yourself - having a baseball player sign an autograph is a memory you won't soon forget.

But for many fans of the sport, baseball collectibles can only be obtained through online purchases or the occasional gift a loved one presented to them. Often passed down from generation to generation is memorabilia and the value of the baseball collectibles increased throughout the years.

Making it so special is the monetary value of the memorabilia. Baseball is America's favorite past time, and baseball collectibles often provide fond memories of warm summer nights and good times spent with friends and family.

Breaking down are the barriers of team against team when it comes to keepsakes because often, the value of baseball collectibles are appreciated from fans regardless of what team the item originated from.

While cards used to be the primary starter kit for any fan wishing to amass a collection of baseball memorabilia, today's collectors focus on a variety of mementos. The baseball collectibles of many fans would include things like vintage equipment, pennants, and pins.

When it comes to baseball collectibles, anything carrying an autograph from a player like a cap, call, or glove is a prized possession. Bobbing (or bobble head) dolls of players are extremely popular, circulating from as early as the 1950s when baseball was as much a part of every American family's life as the food on their dinner table.

Some fans like to approach their baseball collectibles from the standpoint of team memorabilia, focusing on an entire assortment of Yankee or Red Sox souvenirs. Simply collecting items is what others would prefer to do and these items are from major players of any team as long as the player made an impact on the game.

Loyal fans are not deterred from collecting keepsakes from the headliners of today even though modern day figures may not fetch as much as the ones who made this game popular in the beginning. Besides being a good investment of memorabilia, a lot of fans enjoy tracking down special and unique baseball collectible pieces over the years and pass them down to their heirs.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 Methods to Improve Your Baserunning Speed

By Thomas Wilson

Whomever suggests that you can not improve your baserunning speed is simply mistaken! Even though each player has a maximum potential speed, hardly anyone actually achieves that. There is lots of room for improvement, and it's necessary to do just that! Speed is a highly essential component scouts look for while watching players. Granted, you will find exceptions to the rule, yet typically you will need to have no less than average speed to get a chance at reaching the major leagues. Do not fear if you have got below average speed though, as you can find a lot of ways to improve.

1. Correct Mechanics: This is the most important factor to increasing your baseball "speed." The very best part about this is that you do not even need to run quicker! You simply have to find out the way to run properly. Proper body learn when running, raising the knee high enough for the best stride, and also swinging the arms high enough using the proper angle at the elbow joint are all things you should focus on while improving your running technique. It would take much to long to teach you the way to do each one of these things in only one paragraph, but you will find lots of educational books and DVDs available which are specifically dedicated to proper running technique.

2. Reaction Time: Reaction time is the length of time between the cue to run and when you actually start running. A baseball example of reaction time is the amount of time it takes you to be able to react when the ball is hit, or a baserunner taking off on a pitcher's first movement. The best way to increase reaction time would be to simply practice getting balls hit to you in different places and then reacting to them and fielding them. There are also reaction balls out on the marketplace which will bounce in random directions and you have to react in time to field it. You do not have to have fantastic reaction time to succeed in baseball, but if you don't you at least have to make up for it by outstanding positioning. For instance if you are a shortstop and you know what kind of pitch the pitcher is going to throw, you want to get yourself in a great position where the ball will likely be hit before the batter even strikes the ball!

3. Baserunning Skill: You may be capable of running fast, but how fast are you able to run the bases? Do you step on the inside corner of the bag as you round a base? If not, you will end up making yourself take a longer loop in the direction of the next base possibly increasing the length you will have to run from around 90 feet to 100 feet or more! Simple errors like that are enough to make the difference between being safe or being out. Additionally being a smart baserunner can make a world of difference! A smart baserunner can easily turn a single into an extra base hit because he knows if each outfielder's arm is strong, bad, or average.

4. Fitness: Most likely there is some area for improvement in your overall fitness level. By working out frequently and focusing some of your baseball workouts on cardio exercises like running on the treadmill or using a stationary bike, your speed will improve over time.

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The 14 Best Baseball Tryout Hints

By Thomas Wilson

So you've invested many hours training and participating in baseball workouts 7 days a week, and your league's tryouts are here. This is a fun filled yet scary occasion. Always be happy with what you have achieved so far and have one day of relaxation before tryout day. Be confident in yourself and also your abilities and most of all, have a good time! Below are several bits of advice to make tryout day go smoothly, and also give you the very best odds of making the team.

1. Dress like a baseball player. Have on baseball pants, spikes, as well as a hat. Do not ever wear your cap backwards!

2. Be early! Try to be the first person there and then the last person to depart. Coaches will discover that you are serious about improving when they notice you doing exercises and stretching prior to as well as following the tryouts and not just chatting with friends.

3. Introduce yourself to the coach in the event that you do not know him already. This action will demonstrate that you are a mature young man and have strong self-confidence.

4. Keep in mind that tryouts are not a social event. Stretch by yourself and take it very seriously. You are there to compete and take another person's place on the team.

5. Getting loose isn't the moment to showcase your arm strength. Make absolutely sure your arm is totally warmed up so when the coach is actually wanting to see your arm strength, it isn't worn out from you overexerting it during warmups.

6. Hustle! For no reason should you walk during tryouts or when on the baseball diamond. If your coach tells everybody to "bring it in" there is no need to sprint, however a fast jog will do perfectly.

7. Appear confident and ecstatic, even if you are not. Jump up in the air one or two times to reduce anxiety, and look glad to be there.

8. When waiting around for your turn to bat, focus on the speed, arm slot, and movements of the pitcher.

9. While stepping into the batter's box, be confident and act just a little bit cocky through your body gestures. Coaches will generally like the confidence and competitive attitude, just don't go overboard or it could backfire.

10. When batting focus on hitting the ball hard up the middle, not hitting towering fly balls.

11. Be coachable and ready to learn. If you are pitching and the coach wants you to throw a sinker but you do not know how, nicely express to him that you don't know exactly how, but if he would teach you, you would be more than happy to attempt to throw one for him.

12. Act like it is the real thing. Imagine you are in a game. Back up every single play where it is your responsibility. Coaches will certainly notice and will love it.

13. Keep your head up and keep on being confident. If you swing and miss on two to three pitches in a row, keep your head up and dig down deep for the confidence you need to rip the next one.

14. Have some fun and relax!

I hope these tips help! If you make the team, congratulations! Continue working hard and trying to improve. If you get cut, do not get down on yourself. Some coaches tend to be biased and you may not be on their particular "list." Occasionally, you may be a good player, but simply not what the team requires at this time. You can't make a team with all pitchers for instance. Work harder than everyone else on the team or not, and you will succeed. Ask the coach if you can work out along with the team, as well as train by yourself every single day, 365 days a year. Try to remember, baseball is all about having fun, so work hard, but have fun as well.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Finding The Ideal Baseball Gear For Your Needs

By Edward French

Anyone playing baseball will be able to improve their game faster if they have the right gear. You want to be sure that all of your equipment is just right for you personally, and also for your position in the field. Your much more likely to play well if you have the right gear that fits the way it should, for then you'll be comfortable and able to concentrate fully. If you stick to the following guidelines, you'll be sure that all of your baseball gear is just right for you.

The fundamental offensive weapon in baseball is the bat, and this can be found in several varieties. There are certain restrictions on bats, depending on where you play, so you have to become familiar with the rules. You're safest with a wooden bat, both in terms of avoiding injuries and staying within the guidelines set by various leagues. Some players, however, opt for the greater power and durability of aluminum or other metal bats. In many leagues for young players, aluminum bats are not allowed to protect the players from injury. You should look for a bat that is exactly right for you, so that you can swing freely and comfortably.

You can reduce the risk of injury by wearing as much protective gear as you can, even beyond what's strictly required. In many situations, for example, wrist guards provide excellent protection. There are many ways you can injure your wrists, whether you're at bat, running the bases or in the field. This is a light and simple piece of gear that can protect you from one painful type of injury. This is the type of gear that's lightweight enough that you'll hardly be aware of it, but you'll be glad you have it when you need it. The ideal wrist guards are light and won't make you feel restricted in any way.

When it comes to clothing, you probably have a uniform, but you also want to pay attention to the clothes you wear in addition to this. If your uncomfortable for any reason, such as being cold, damp or restricted by your clothing, this can adversely affect your quality of play. If you wear a baseball jersey, make sure it's on the large side, as your arms have to be free to swing a bat and run after balls. So the main point is that every part of your baseball uniform should make it easy to move freely so you can always concentrate fully on the task at hand.

When you choose baseball gear, you want everything to be ideal for your needs, and also conform to your league's rules. Some equipment, such as your glove, has to be made specifically for your position, as a catcher's mitt is going to be very different from a first baseman's. Baseball gear can come down to very personal choices, and you may find that as you gain more experience your needs and preferences will change.

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Expert Baseball Techniques You Should Know

By Harry C. Llankford

As a player or coach in baseball, the more you know, the more leverage you have in any situation you encounter. Physical skills and how you play the game are the two most important aspects of baseball. They are both just as important. The team must practice how to hit and play their defensive positions. But, they must always know what needs to done and how to prioritize at all times. Let us look at a few of the expert principles that the players on the team should know in detail.

We'll be exploring some useful baseball strategies in this article, which can help your team score some victories if you apply them.

While some hitters have more natural talent for making contact with the ball than others, the best way to improve hitting skills for everyone is practice. Almost anyone from children to adults will find the batting tee a very helpful resource. This is a tool that can be utilized during the offseason just like the normal baseball season. So it aids batters from practicing their skills year round. Even practicing your swing in the air will help if you can see yourself hitting the ball. Coaches should also try monitor every batter very closely and see if there are things that need to be improved. This is because a few hitters should modify their stance or their batting grip.

Even there are some batters that are more talented than others when hitting the ball, the best method for improving these skills is to practice. Almost anyone from children to adults will find the batting tee a very helpful resource. This is a tool that can be utilized during the offseason just like the normal baseball season. So it can help hitters to practice and their swing for the entire year. Even when your practice swinging at the ball in the air will help you if you can actually visualize yourself striking the ball. Coaches should also try monitor every batter very closely and see if there are things that need to be improved. This is because some batters should change the way they stand or their batting grip.

In general, you should throw to stop a run from scoring or to prevent a runner from getting into scoring position. This generally means to throw the ball to the base in front of the runner. So if the batter gets a hit and is on first when you get the ball, you'd throw to second base. Basically, baseball is not a easy game to play because it has plenty of strategies and no two games are alike. All players have to make certain decisions at a moment's notice. The more skilled and knowledgeable the players are, the more likely these will be the right decisions. In this article, we have mentioned some things that you should not forget. The more that players practice, the more they will be able to utilize this information when need be.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Finding the Best Baseball Supplies for You

By Thomas Wilson

Equipment isn't nearly as crucial to success on the diamond as the ability of the player using it. It is not going to make a horrible player superb or a good player awful, nevertheless it undoubtedly will help. With that said, baseball supplies are really high priced so it is important that if you are going to be spending a significant sum of cash that you use it on the best equipment possible for the price. Keep this information in mind on your next visit to the sports store:

Gloves: The number one thing you will want to find out to make an wise purchase is what size baseball glove you will need. Youth gloves usually are 8 to 12 inches, adult baseball gloves are from 10.5 to 12 inches, and professional baseball gloves never measure more than 12 inches. Next you need to think about what position you will be playing the most. Catchers in addition to first basemen have their own specialized mitts for their positions. Infielders gloves (10.5 to 11.5 inches) are shorter than outfielders gloves (12 to 12.5 inches.) Second basemen and shortstops' gloves tend to be a little shorter than a third baseman's glove.

Bats: The most critical thing to give some thought to while picking out a bat is comfort. Be sure you feel comfortable by taking a couple of swings. Another very good test is holding the bat out to the side using your non-dominant hand so the bat is parallel to the ground for one minute. If your arm shakes a good deal throughout the minute, the bat is most likely too heavy. If you can do it easily for more than two minutes, it is most likely too light. Do not forget, you do not want your bat to be too light because how far you can hit the ball is dependent on not only your bat speed, but also your bat's weight. The heavier the bat, the farther the ball will go, all else being equal. Always make sure to check with your coach or league director to find out the bat weight and length regulations for your league!

Batting Gloves: There really is not much to selecting a pair of batting gloves. Choose a pair that feels comfortable at a good price. A nice pair of batting gloves should not cost much more than $25.

Training Products: There are countless various baseball workouts and pieces of training equipment so it's difficult to offer specific buying advice. You don't need to invest lots of cash in order to get good training equipment. For example, in most cases a batting tee and some baseballs will likely be just as effective as a highly expensive hitting product. Also, lots of the time you might find better deals online through websites such as Amazon.com than at a bricks and mortar store.

As I stated before, you do not need the very best gear in order to be a superior player, but having great baseball workouts and training products will surely make you a better player.

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