Monday, May 30, 2011

Two Very Easy Yet Still Effective Hitting Drills

By Thomas Wilson

Do you find yourself searching for a new, simple, and useful hitting drill to include in your baseball workouts program? After looking around the internet and talking to a number of baseball players and coaches to discover some amazing new hitting drills for you to consider. Today I'll write about two of them for you to test out and see what you think.

Dried Bean Drill: This drill is extremely like soft tossing with golf whiffle balls, except using dried beans. The next time you happen to be at the supermarket, buy a couple of bags of dried butter beans. This is extremely inexpensive, as they normally cost around 50 cents a bag.

Stand a couple of feet to the side of the hitter and soft-toss the dried butter beans to the hitter. For starters the hitter should hit with his normal bat and as he gets better and can hit the beans consistently, he should eventually move to batting with a broom stick. This is going to challenge his hand-eye coordination and after doing this for some time, a baseball will start to look more like a beach ball!

Soccer Ball Drill: This is a wonderful drill for baseball players to increase their hitting power and their follow-through. For this drill you will want both a batting tee as well as a partially inflated soccer ball.

Set the batter up with a tee and a batting screen like they would be hitting off a tee normally. Now, set the partly inflated soccer ball on top of the tee and have them hit it repeatedly. It will require far more strength to hit the soccer ball than they would use for a ordinary baseball. Now put ordinary baseballs on top of the tee and have them take one or two swings at baseballs. They will recognize that after adjusting to hitting a soccer ball they now are following through much better on the baseballs.

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