Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Look At The Insanely Remarkable Dominance Of Albert Pujols

By Paul Queenman

Sports are always a topic of debate, and baseball is no exception. If you are a fan, you will undoubtedly have been asked at sometime if you think that the best hitter you've ever seen is Albert Pujols.

So that we all know who I'm talking about, I'm not going to go to players from days gone by, only from the 1980 onwards.

Players from the past such as Mays and Williams were great in their day, but the game has changed so much since then comparisons can't really be made. Conditions and even equipment are completely different in the modern game.

As the game has evolved so much, we can't tell how well players from the past would have played today, and vice versa. We can consider Pujols to be the batsman of our times on his merits alone.

To start with, there is a possibility he can still improve as he doesn't hit 30 until his next birthday. His consistency has been second to none; few players can boast that they have turned out every week and played like Pujols has, let's check out a few of his statistics.

His career average could win a league all on its own. In the second season he played in, he hit a career low average of .312, his worse since has been .327 and his overall average is .334. This is a staggering average whichever way you look at it.

Having played 9 seasons in MLB, Pujols hit 40 home runs in 5 of them. His worst season was still an impressive 32. The stats keep building and who knows where they will end?

The stats speak for themselves, you can't argue with the figures. Every season Pujols proves himself time and time again. No one can dispute he is a great hitter. He has a long career still ahead of him, and its hard to imagine that when he does retire, we won't be considering our greatest batsman.

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