Friday, October 7, 2011

Baseball Hitting Not All about Home Runs

By Jeff Wise

Hitting a home run is one of the most exciting experiences of baseball. All players desire to hit one and if they already have, they desire to do it again. Every good coach will tell you, though, that your main goal for baseball hitting shouldn't be to hit home runs. If you only want to hit home runs then you might not have much success as a player.

Instead of trying to hit a home run, players should just be focused on getting a good hit. Trying to hit the ball to the outfield is more important than trying to hit it over the fence. Consistently hitting balls into the outfield takes hard work and a lot of practice.

The basic fundamentals are necessary to be able to hit outfield balls. All players must learn to keep their eyes on the ball, know the hitting zone, proper stance, how to hold the bat, etc. It takes lots of practice before these fundamentals become second nature. If you are able to use this knowledge on the field then you are sure to be a successful player.

Don't let home runs be your main focus at the plate. They will come with they come, and usually when you least expect it. Just be patient and focus on what needs to be done in that minute.

I will never forget my first home run. I remember every detail about that moment at the plate during my sophomore year. As soon as I hit the ball, I knew something was different. Unlike other hits, I hardly felt when I made contact. There was a loud crack and then the ball went sailing over the fence. It was a wonderful feeling and I wanted to be able to do it again. During my baseball years, I did hit a few more home runs, but that's not what made me a successful player.

Your first home run will also be an exciting moment. Hopefully, you will hit many home runs during your baseball career. But, hitting them alone doesn't make you a great player. You may never hit a home run, but you could still be very successful at baseball hitting. Most importantly, players should just strive to make good hits to help their team win.

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