Saturday, April 7, 2012

Baseball Hitting is Half Mental

By Jeff Wise

Anyone who plays baseball should learn that the mental side of the game is just as important as the physical. This starts as early on as Little League. No matter how old you are, if you aren't in the game mentally, it will affect your baseball hitting in a negative way.

Different players have different struggles. Whatever your struggle, with lots of practice and confidence you are sure to improve. Remember that you should never give up. Even if you are discouraged, continue to work hard and maintain a mental determination. These attributes are what got many players to the major leagues.

Each season you should set new goals for yourself. Strive to be a better player than you ever have been. Make sure, though, that you don't limit yourself with those goals. Your goal may be to have a .250 batting average, but you're perfectly capable of having a .300. The way to reach your goals is to learn how to master each hitting situation. This can be done with practice and the right instruction.

Each time you are at bat, you must have confidence and an eagerness to attack the ball. This is where the mental aspect of baseball will improve your playing. You can't be scared or intimidated or most times you'll wind up striking out.

Sometimes players are nervous because they didn't do so well during their last at bat. You must forget about your previous mistakes and focus on the here and now. Previous strike outs will not affect your current at bat unless you let it.

When you do make mistakes, shrug it off. Everyone does because there's no perfect player. Consider the fact that the best hitters typically only hit three out of ten times at bat. Even professionals have bad games, but you can't let it get to you.

Sometimes you'll notice a long stretch of bad luck. In these cases, you may just need to work on your mechanics a little. Ask a teammate, your dad or a coach to help you solve any problems that you can't see. With the right instruction and lots of practice, things will turn around for the better.

Baseball hitting is not easy and it can take a long time before players get good at it. You are more likely to hit well and achieve your goals if you have a positive attitude, a healthy level of confidence and the determination to never give up. These mental components will take you far in the game of baseball.

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