Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Advanced Baseball Concepts Every Player Should Know

By Jewel Chesson

As a player or coach in baseball, the more that you know about things, the more powerful you will be when things present themselves. Physical skills and methodology are the two aspects of baseball. They are both just as important. The team has to practice how to hit an play each of their positions. But, they must always know what needs to done and how to prioritize at all times. Let us discuss a few advanced baseball principles that everybody on the team should be familiar with.

When a batter steps up to plate, what has to be done depends on that moment in time. The runner who is always trying to grandstand and hit a home run is not helping the team if the team's goal is just to get a particular player from one base to the other. This is why it is important for each team player to understand how to bunt and accept a called ball if only a walk is necessary. A lot of times there are players who have problems following this rule because they are more concerned with personal glory and not the well being of the team. It is imperative that coaches and manager make team players realize that their focus has to be on the team first and their personal ambitions later.

Tagging up is the one practice that all team members should know in detail. If the team currently has players on base and there are under two outs, a runner can tag up or run to the next base whenever a fly ball is caught. It is imperative that you realize that the player cannot begin his run until the ball has actually been caught by the other team member. This difficult run is many time attempted when a player is on third base trying to get home and the ball is very far out in the outfield. This can be a scoring run. But then again, the player in the outfield could be a good thrower, which means the man on third base had be a pretty fast runner if he wants to get to the home plate.

When a batter steps up to the plate he can think about where he is going to hit the ball so that it can help his teammates get base runs. For instance, if there is a player on the first base, the batter up should hit the ball far into right field. Hopefully, this will make it easier for the runner to get to the next base. The player in the right filed would have to make a longer throw to get to third base than the player in left field would be forced to throw if the ball was hit into the left field. You might also know this play as hitting behind the runner. It is a situation that you should not forget when you are a batter at home plate.

There is more to being a baseball expert than just memorizing a few key plays. You must know how to utilize the strengths of each team member and be able to deal with any weaknesses. In addition to practice drills that will improve skills, the players must know how to pinpoint both the good and bad things of each game. These are just a few tips for improving a team or player. The information that you have about baseball, the more you will understand it and get more satisfaction from it.

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