Sunday, April 3, 2011

Expert Baseball Principles Every Player Should Be Familiar With

By Frank Woods

As a player or coach in baseball, the more that you know, the more power you have in any situation that comes your way. Physical skills and strategy are the main aspects of the game. Both are just as important as the other. The team has to practice how to hit an play each of their positions. But, they also have to be knowledgeable about what should be done and the priorities of each task at all times. Let us look at a few advanced baseball principles that all the team players should know.

When a batter comes to the plate, the goal will differ based on what the circumstances are. A hitter who is always trying to hit a home run will not be helping the team if the team just needs the runner on first base go to second base. That's why every player should know how to bunt, and when to take a pitch if a walk would be helpful. Generally there are players on all teams who find it difficult to understand this rule and want personal fame above all else. It is important that coaches and managers make players understand that the team is the first priority and personal fame is an afterthought.

One practice everyone should know is tagging up. If there are players on the base and less than two outs, a runner can tag up or run on to the next base once a ball is caught. It is important that you understand that the play cannot run until the after the ball has been caught. This risky move is often done when there's a runner on third base and the ball is hit fairly deeply into the outfield. This can score a run. However, if the outfielder has a good arm, the runner has to be fast if he hopes to score.

Batters can help their team by planning out to hit the ball in a way that will help other runners get to the next base. For example, if there is a player on the first base, the batter should hit the ball into the right field. This way, the runner has a better chance of reaching third base if there's a hit. The right fielder has a longer throw to third base than the left fielder would have if the ball was hit into left field. This is also known as hitting behind the runner. It's something hitters should keep in mind as they swing.

To be an expert when it comes to baseball, you have to do more than memorize a few techniques. You have to know how to apply the strengths of each player on the team and compensate for any weaknesses. In addition to practice that builds upon skills, the players have to talk about the bad and good things of each game. These are a few of the things that can help any player or team get better. The more knowledgeable you are about baseball, the more you will improve and love the game even more.

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